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教育王國 討論區 聖保羅書院小學 2nd Interview
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2nd Interview [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-10-17 08:40 |顯示全部帖子
yes, by experience,

you kids have to show independence thinking and confidence in front of principal.

good luck

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-14 17:11 |顯示全部帖子
stay calm and please do not to your son.

I yelled to my boy last night for dictation.  before bed I pray with him to forgive my temper. so regret

last year, when my wife and i rec'd the letter.  I jump up and down.  silly me

you will know once you pcik up the letter from your mail box.  The thickness can hint you

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-15 03:19 |顯示全部帖子
hi chunchunmommy

let me share about my last year experience.  My son too got acceptance from SPCPS and RC.

hard fact:
1, I am an old boy for Paul boy;
2, we are Christian;
3, there are about 9 or 10 boys got into SPCPS in which 4 of them are from the same class of my son;
4, I like Mrs Chan as her speech in St Paul Church Kinder is very encouraging;
5, My wife and I are prepared for the demands from any school;
6, My son like St Paul Boys "may be my "influence"
7, RC is using PTH in P1 for all Chinese lesson. My son doesn't like it; (even his PTH is now improved alot). St Paul is gradually to use PTH.

soft fact
1, both school are good schools and have secondary school back up
2, we cannot just compare the schools' english standard by the means of teaching.  Be frank, I share with HuiTung that the English standard in SPCPs cannot be underestimated. The  most important element is how the parents can assist them.
3, there is no guarantee of success in both schools.  this is only an entry ticket.  Most importantly is how we fully utilize these coming 6 years.
4, As fas as I understand, St Paul's Church student can cope with SPCPS P1 quite well.
5, you need to prepare your boy for the rest of these few months in KG no matter which school you will choose.
6, No school is perfect. But I see most SPCPC parents are very supportive.  after my small BBQ party, and we are trying to make a whole class BBQ. It's fun.
7, try not to compare their secondary schools at this stage.

Ask you son?(He is matured enough to answer you which school he likes) Ask yourself?(your personally needs)

There is no shortcut.  And..... biaslly speaking......................


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-15 15:05 |顯示全部帖子
hahaha chunchunmommy,

Grammar is very important as a matter of fact on each language.  
Usage of language is a combination of vocabulary and daily experience.

Both foundations are important.  I think both schools' English teacher should have their plans.  The only thing i concern is whether my son can concentrate in class only.  By how he can concentrate? that is the matter of the English teacher lah.  

(I think my son can concentrate in English class....:) )

To Yonniewong

Understand your concern.  But I see no problem as children should have other channels to talk and play with girls.  Like go to church, Kumon, swimming classes, drawing classes, and many many.

about bonus to your daugther:  emmmm

for most of the DSS school, there is always no bonus to younger brother and sister.  

example: St paul has more than 133 years history, how many old boy we have.  90 headcounts a year cannot satisfy our hunger lei.

unless you can get a co-ed school.  Else concern your son's situation first.
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