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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 請問有冇經驗,自行學習高兩年數學
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請問有冇經驗,自行學習高兩年數學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-31 04:20 |顯示全部帖子
Math is a ralatively easy subject to acelerate and kids like it to compare with other classmates in school.  They feel special if they know more math jagon,i.e. algebra, LCM...etc.

I taught my boy up to fraction and algebra during P.1 and he manages to calculate the answer.  I was also very excited to my private tutoring.   

But there are lots of thing to learn other than advance math skill..careful and patience are involved in calculation too.  His Math knowledge is apparently higher than his peers yet he still have some marks being deducted of careless mistake during exam.

Now I gave the Math tutoring to professional and he is learning Olympiad Math weekly(Very deep thinking and much advance than school math).  I could now step back and relax.
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