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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 應否選擇國際學校?(唔該俾D意見)
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應否選擇國際學校?(唔該俾D意見) [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-6-25 10:04 |顯示全部帖子
Just sent you a PM.

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發表於 09-7-2 13:13 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Reximom 於 09-7-2 11:24 發表

緊係無啦, IS 既學生盲字(中文)都唔識多個, 點轉去讀local school呀?

A lot of local secondary schools are teaching French instead of Chinese.

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發表於 09-7-2 13:36 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 leschelems 於 09-7-2 11:48 發表
It's interesting to know there is another account of the homework loading of international school.  

Is this workload individual or school-specific? Or it applies to all international schools?  

Any comment from other IS parents?

I would not say there are that much (or that little) homework. All I see is that there are enough work to keep the kids busy. Some homework are (like math exercises) are to be completed in order to enforce what was learn at school. For other subjects/areas (especially for secondary), there are a lot of writings and researches. Also, they are expected to read everyday, and some keen readers might want to read up to a couple of hours everyday.

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發表於 09-7-2 17:28 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 leschelems 於 09-7-2 14:11 發表
I reckon yours is a fair account.  So for  BlastedSkull 's workload, do you think it's just his individual practice?

First, each teacher's practice can be different. Some teachers, especially primary teachers, do not believe in homework and would give out very little homework. However, some are keen of assigning daily work for children. So even for the same year level of the same school, may be one class has daily homework and another doesn't.
Then of course, it may also be whether a person is quick in doing his work. My son is fast with his work, while my daugter is slower.
However, I think if BlastedSkull has to stay up that late often, he might want to rethink what problem he has with his work. I would think it is mostly focusing problem (a person may be at the desk but not exactly focused and plays often with pencils, eraser, etc) and time management skills (a person may have miscalculated the time he needs for a piece of work due next week and started working on it too late, etc). It would sound really scary for any high school student to stay up late often for homework.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-7-2 19:38 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-7-2 19:37 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 foolish.mom 於 09-7-2 18:40 發表
So I believe in what the ex-La Salle boy's comments on his homework load.

May be my English is that poor, but I never said I did not believe him.

Just that, I do not think any high school student should have to stay up that late all the time.
Of course there are so many "big" work all the time. I am sure all parents with secondary kids know that. But I have already said that time management is very important.

If there is this piece of work that 10+ hours is required to finish it, I do not think the teacher would ask the students to complete it overnight.

As far as I see, yes, work load can be huge. But with good time management, I do not think any high school kid should have to stay up late. At least not often. And may be one also has to work more efficiently. Say, for example, do not split yourself between work and MSN or Facebook.

I would say that if he cannot overcome or solve this homework problems, he would have even more problems at university. If now he needs to stay up late all the time, what is he going to do in university?

Hope I have made my message clear this time.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-7-2 19:42 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-7-2 21:32 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 leschelems 於 09-7-2 20:05 發表
But UK's progressive school system is notorious and US's public school system is disastrious.  What are the reasons that make the teaching approach of IS so successful here while back in UK and US this thing causes so much trouble?

The problems are probably complex.
But for one, I would not compare public schools with private schools. IS in Hong Kong are basically self financed and are never really "affordable" to most families.
Money is probably the main issue here.
As far as I know, the US and Canadian public schools are suffering because they lack the funds. Not sure about the UK.

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發表於 09-7-4 23:52 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 mow-mow 於 09-7-4 11:45 發表
To me, the straight comparison of the standard of English (or Chinese) of kids from local schools or IS seems totally pointless as you are comparing one's 1st language with the other's 2nd language.
What would be more interesting is to compare the standard of English of the local school kids with the standard of Chinese of the IS kids (both being their 2nd language).
Any thoughts on this anyone?
(P/S we should also being comparing kids from respective top schools - eg GSIS, HKIS with St Paul Coed, DGS, DBS...etc)

I think it is not ONLY whether who is better in which ever language. To most local Chinese families that have chosen IS, they did not choose IS ONLY because IS have better English.

IS and local schools are just totally different. Period.

Local schools students are not encouraged to be independent thinkers. They are not encouraged to be adventurous. They are not encouraged to point out the wrongs of their teachers. They are just not encouraged to be themselves. Local schools students are expected to stay within the square they are provided and should not even try to touch the borders. If you get 100 marks/points out of 100 you are good. And that's all you need to be. Don't be less but don't try to be smart and do more than you are expected.

I have seen so many really talented and brilliant minds being wasted because somehow they have to stick to a local school.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-7-4 23:58 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-5 00:00 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 thankful 於 09-7-3 21:52 發表

你呢d case我見得仲多, 小學咁細, 都己經唔聽你點攞d英文書睇下, 到中學開始就連中文唔想睇, 唔睇中文, d中文程度慢慢退化, 而英文仲慘, 從來都唔識, 退無可退. 好多local school學生讀上去都係咁, 最後入U 都有困難因為唔識睇, 唔識寫英文. “中英並重”, 就連自欺欺人都做唔倒!

Hey, naughty naughty. Not like the usual you. :)

But I do agree.
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