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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Piccolo(HKPS) vs York
樓主: Sailor-Moon

Piccolo(HKPS) vs York [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-5-18 10:44 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Sailor-Moon 的帖子

Piccolo for no doubt.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-6-23 10:39 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 beiwoyu 的帖子

The School already issued a notice saying that they could not get EDB's approval for change of name. 其實件事過左咁耐,大家似乎已消化曬, 名已經唔重要, 反正d有家長已經已經接受Piccolo.  The HKPS parents only want to follow their kids' class teachers that whichever school they are going (Piccolo or Harts), they want their kids to go to that school.
Another thing I wanna clarify is that, not only NET teachers, but also some local/Chinese experienced HKPS teachers went to Harts whey they start up. So the remaining teachers in HKPS have both NET and Chinese/local, and most of them will be going to Piccolo. So not necessarily only HKPS NET teachers went to Harts and the remaining teachers in HKPS were all Chinese/local.  Whatever the case is, I trust that HKPS can keep all good quality teachers, otherwise the parents won't be so desperate to follow their own teachers to Piccolo.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-6-23 14:22 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 renaya 的帖子

You are welcome.  I just want to clarify the facts so that there ain't any misunderstanding so that the parents can have an informed decision to choose what is most suitable to their kids.


晞晞爸b    發表於 17-6-23 19:17

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-6-27 10:19 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 peanutbbboy 的帖子

Let me try to answer you as below:-

其實我搵緊學校幫小朋友報下年pn, 睇到Harts, 好鍾意, 網上家長對學校教法和老師評價都很高.
Agree, including me. Their teachers, teaching style and syllabus, which are adopted from HKPS, are excellent.
Piccolo就比較少人有提供學校既教學, 只係睇到話HKPS老師將進駐 Piccolo, 咁係咪即係Piccolo所有班都會跟HKPS以往既教法呢? Yes. 定係只係呢幾年, 完左HKPS舊生就吾跟? I believe if there are enough students, they will still want to run the school following the HKPS style. After all, HKPS has been really popular and HKPS style will attract more students. 定就係HKPS過去既學生先跟呢套教法呢? 其他就係Piccolo原有既方法呢? I don't think so.  All Piccolo students will receive HKPS style teaching.  That's what the school said.

我有呢個疑問係因為我自己好欣賞HKPS既教學方法, 但就猶豫緊Harts好定係Piccolo好? 如果教法一樣, 硬件上Piccolo有戶外活動場地, 吸引d.  Not only that, Piccolo's school fee is also cheaper than Hart's.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-7-14 11:16 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 JLLmama 的帖子

係因為 之前太鬆動, 未用盡空間, 之前新校有收生不足問題,尤其K2-K3. 其實課室規劃可容纳28人.


bon3    發表於 17-7-25 19:04
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