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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 剛剛聽朋友話York 還有下次收生日
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剛剛聽朋友話York 還有下次收生日 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-11-17 23:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 剛剛聽朋友話York 還有下次收生日

It is not surprising, as most of the kindergartens will use this kind of method for accepting the applicants, let say for the 1st round, it accepted 60 applicants, and only 20 applicants paid the registeration fee before deadline, finally there will be 40 seats left...
and the 2nd round interview will start again...
due to the low birth rate, I think the kindergartens will have headache about this, as afraid they cannot get enough students, eventhough you pay the registeration fee, it does not mean you will let your kid studying there finally. Most of the partents will hold 2 kindegartens or more for back up... , so they can only know the final until they collect your school fee,.
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