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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 收reject letter 好無柰..妳地覺得做大B好嗎? ...
樓主: 妹妹豬媽媽

收reject letter 好無柰..妳地覺得做大B好嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-11-24 20:25 |顯示全部帖子
don't worry, we are in the same boat, my girl is a 12/2007 bb as well...my plan is to get her to go to an OK nursery as soon as she reach 2 years old in TKO (yes, we live in TKO as well) we did apply for K this year for her, but it will be like winning lottery!!  Next year apply 心儀的 k again.....

just don't give up...i know it is hard,  people who had 大女/仔around me had been saying "interview咁易", "did not perform well , but still got accept" "only got PM class," etc etc.... I used to feel bad as well, 而家看開了...they just don't understand people like us, who have 細女/仔 have to work twice as hard for our kid, extra $$ for studying extra year, plus extra effort and worries for going to interview 2 consecutive years, just to have a chance to get our kid into a good school....

in my case....only if she was born 4 days later, the whole situation would be different.....

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 09-11-29 07:37 |顯示全部帖子
我都好明白.....不過你和我都要prepare, 就算下年做大女都唔等如收...., 只不過chance高少少...

你心儀的k應該同我心儀果間一樣, 今年應該有成23xx人apply....
原帖由 妹妹豬媽媽 於 09-11-29 01:46 發表
Thank you 妳地既意見!

我本身係Dec 出世, 我阿女係早我一日生日, 我由細到大都係做大女,我當然明白係班入面做大女既感覺~ 但其實我地兩公婆都考慮了各方面~

可惜,  心儀既學校今年唔會收阿女, 因為暗地裡已有收大 ...
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