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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 2歲2個月只識講BB話
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[聽/語障] 2歲2個月只識講BB話 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-8-4 16:20 |顯示全部帖子
My son attained speech therapy at 24 months when he could not speak anything. Now he is 27 months and he can speak on his own initiative - maximum three words together - but his progress is very encouraging becaue he can follow whatever I ask him to say, of couse short words, even though the pronunciation is not fully correct.

A. Here are some reasons for speech delay:

1. lack of home stimulation - e.g. multiple language environment (I speak English at the very first beginning & Dad Speak Cantonese.), Working couple who don't have a lot of time to speak to him.
2. Poor oral motor (month muscle) - because lack of hard food to eat - we still give congee, not rice, at around 2 years old.

B. Here are the tricks to follow at home. But if you want it to work on your child, you must practice these training skills everyday. If you are too busy, can ask relatives or maid to do it.

1. ask the child to eat hard things - e.g. rice, slice meat, rubber gum candies, bite hard biscuilts, eat apple cut in big stripes, using the big teeth at the inside of the mouth.

2. Exercise the lips by doing games using the strength of the lips.

3. Playing with the tougue by stick it out of the mouth - to two sides, to try to strengthen the muscle of the tongue.

4. Massage the gums of the month by using mom's finger or oral massager bought from the baby stores - tooth brush section.

5. Put chocolate at the side of his month and above and below his lips - ask him to stick out his tongue to lick the chocolate - so as to strengthen the tongue muscle.

5. Blow bubbles - with rounded shape of the mouth. If cannot blow like adults, can first start by putting one bubble on your hand and ask him to blow that bubble. Your can put your hand on his stomach & press a little bit to help him blow out the air.

6. Blow toy flute - to sustain longer sound in order to build up airflow from the lung because speaking need to have air.

7. Aleays use long straws to drink. (To strengthen his lip and tongue muscle)

8. Play games with child with interactive action - like rolling balls, kicking balls, etc - to make the child get the idea of back & forth interactive which is the theme of spoken conversation.

9. Teach him to imitate big body movement - then later imitate smaller body movement & eventually your month shape & movement in speech.

10. Play with fruits and bowls - You say put mangos on the plate, orange on the bowl & apple on the cup, etc & ask him to follow the instruction. This is to help him comprehend instruction and enhance listening skills.

11. Teach him all the names of things in the house. Even if he cannot speak - ask him to point to you to make sure he understands & know the name of each thing. Then when he speak - he will speak their names.

12. Always speak with the baby using short words (2-3 words), loud voice and clear pronounciation. - & repeat a few times.

Hope these skills can help you1
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