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急問 !!苦惱 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-23 22:00 |顯示全部帖子
i think that's a good suggestion, but you have to aware that both st. cat & kv are very very popular kinder, the competition is bigger, while LH might be easier to get in, that's what i think.

原帖由 Jackiejones 於 08-10-23 16:34 發表
I also live in Tsing Yi.  For me, I will give up LH coz I think St. Cat is better than LH and KV is different if compared with these 2 kindergarten so I think you would better to have nap time for you ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-24 22:59 |顯示全部帖子
my kid also studied PN in LH, i agree that's a good kinder, but like what Swift said, if she target some famous private primary, then the other two kinders might have better chance since they have long history and good reputation.  1 day go 3 interviews is very tight for such small kid, for me i'll choose st. cat & KV, the kid can take a long rest in the middle, of course a backup kinder is necessary in that case.

原帖由 karen_dingding 於 08-10-23 22:39 發表
My kid has been studying in LH N1 for about 1/2 month; in my opinion, it is a good kindergarten - teachers /principal and staff are energetic, responsible and nice; school facilities are quite new. My ...
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