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報聖心前的一堆問題(特別邀請iantsang解答) [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-11-30 22:46 |顯示全部帖子
Hi 珈珈mama,please find my responses to your queries as below:

第一,我同你一樣都係住青衣(我住VILLA), 想問一問小朋友對長途車的反應係點?有hard feeling 嗎?

==> Good question actually and the answer is 'yes'.  My daughter (her nickname is also 珈珈!!!) did complain about the long travel!!!  In September, we had two options to go to SHCK, (1) take Mrs. Cheung's nanny bus or (2) my wife is not working so she takes her to Hong Kong station and change to school bus.  We used option (2) since the idea was to spend more time with the daughter so she can share school experience with one of the parent as soon as she get off from school.  Moreover, originally nanny bus take long time (over 1 hour) to reach Tsing Yi so we couldn't consider it.  However, I can tell you Mrs. Cheung has arranged a Tsing Yi route direct to SHCK for pm classes students thanks to the efforts of my neighbour.  The travel time is less than 30mins now to take nanny bus.  But we stay with option (2) since after 1month of complaining, my daughter has get used to it and she prefers to have her mom during the travel as much as possible.

第二, 每日大約幾點上車?車費幾錢?

==> The nanny bus costs is $2300 per month, expensive since taking West Harbour tunnel to speedup.  The pickup point is the Tsing Yi MTR station and go straight to SHCK at 12:15pm.

We are still using MTR + school bus so the total costs is around the same actually (Adults MTR 2 roundtrip, child MTR 1 round trip + school bus of 630).

第三, 我知各下之女女是下午班, 想問下午班係吾係姐係UK班,以英文為主?跟上午班分別大嗎?

==> UK means 'Upper Kindergarten', i.e. K3, where LK = K2 and NC = K1.  AM and PM classes are the same.

第四, 如果幼稚園上小學...我知am 係100%, 但如果博pm 既機會大嗎?我們都不是net 11....如果我一心博PM, 最後會否PM吾收, AM又錯過了?(我是絕對一心一意)

==> Basically you won't miss AM since the deposit for AM primary will be paid in early K3 so you can reserved the place first.  From the parents around, I know if you are 一心一意 then should be no problem to get into PM even not in net 11.  The key here is, Sacred Heart prefers to accept their own students so that the values they have taught them can be maintained.

第五, 小學PM 5年及6年級是全日制, 姐係根AM一同上學?

==> Physically yes, but not the same time schedule, but in the same building the same time.

第六, 姐姐入了聖心幼, 妹妹的機會大嗎?如果姐姐入了聖小PM, 妹妹係吾係100%?如果AM就要睇運氣, right?

==> I think you are asking both kindergarten and primary school the same time here.  For kindergarten, I think the younger sister has better chance if the elder sister is studying in SHCK, cannot say 100% but very high chance.  For PM primary, then younger sister is 100% based on the allocation system.  For AM primary, if you are SHCK students, then you are guaranteed.


原帖由 珈珈mama 於 09-11-30 16:55 發表
iantsang, 請教你以下問題~

第一,我同你一樣都係住青衣(我住VILLA), 想問一問小朋友對長途車的反應係點?有hard feeling 嗎?
第二, 每日大約幾點上車?車費幾錢?
第三, 我知各下之女女是下午班, 想問下午班係吾係姐 ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-11-30 22:47 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-12-1 08:48 |顯示全部帖子
My wife thought of staying in Central but it is quite long.  The class time of SHCK is 3.5 hours, plus they need the children to arrive about 30 mins before class start so my daughter spends 4 hours at SHCK each day.  So my wife will come back home and play with the young one a bit and go out again.

It seems AM take slightly less time but I didn't pay too much attention due to the sleeping pattern of my daughter.  8:25am to start class is just impossible for her, so I have not  considered AM class.  But I think you don't need to worry about this now.  There are plenty of SHCK students on the same route either AM or PM so it can be arranged.

Concerning the primary school allocation, I believe what you said should be correct.  I can't be very sure because I stop researching further as I realize once your daughter is a SHCK girl, she is part of this big family already.  If you are really sincere on studying at SHCSPS(am) or SHCS(pm), the school will help you.  This is the critical reason why I choose to let my daughter study at SHCK, as I believe the educators here cares about the development of the children more than the welfare of themselves (e.g. reputation).  Once you realize and treasure this value, then it becomes very clear this is the ONLY kindergarten you would want your daughter to attend.

Good luck to you!


p.s. "見倒最近其他家長既罵戰..感到有點無奈" <-- this happen all the time and the importance is to make sure you read the factual information only and try to ignore the personal comments (e.g. those that I just made hahaha)  btw, which arguments you are referring to?  threads related to GH?

原帖由 珈珈mama 於 09-12-1 00:54 發表
iantsang , 真係吾該哂你.....
如果車程要一小時, 我想我都會選option 2, 請問option 2 起邊上車?另外你太太係吾係stay 起中環until 你個女放學?
如果係am 係吾係仍然係要over 1 hour? 如果係, 我可能會報pm..
另外, ...

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發表於 09-12-1 13:10 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks a lot Rebecca for the information!  Is Audrey taking the nanny bus?

Haven't talked for a long time, how's Audrey enjoying the life at SHCK?


原帖由 rebeccaloky 於 09-12-1 13:07 發表
上晝班, 由青衣出發搭NANNY BUS 大約7:20-7:25上車, 8:15-8:20番到學校, 行西隧, 每月$2000

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發表於 09-12-1 15:54 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Rebecca,

It's good to know that Audrey is quite happy on traveling on the nanny bus.  Shannon also has a lot of fun to school during her MTR trip and school bus since she has other UK girls and her NCB classmate taking the MTR together at Tsing Yi and Olympics station.  They always use the area underneath the Central post office to play group game while waiting for the school bus.

So far I am very happy with the kindergarten.  Shannon loves going to school a lot and her cousin asked her one day if she rather has a day off for Disneyland or going to school and she would rather choose to go to school first then go to Disneyland later (she is not stupid at all!).

Concerning the home assignments, I notice there are more to do every night but they are not difficult to do.  Shannon always want to finish her homework first before she would do anything else so at least I can feel she is interested to complete them, sometimes too eager!

Great to chat again!  Have you started thinking about primary school yet?  Hope can meet Audrey and others later in primary school!


原帖由 rebeccaloky 於 09-12-1 14:10 發表
Audrey搭緊nanny bus, 都ok, 7個小朋友好開心, 日日放學好似開party!
hehe, 我估佢都鍾意聖心生活, 不過近日總提住舊nursery, 好似好掛住咁, 又叫我帶佢搵老師, 可能依家嚴d, 唔係你想點就點, 以前喊老師會抱你, 依 ...

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發表於 09-12-1 18:06 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, I think I may have answered this.  The Indian teacher is still here and there are also three more English teachers.

原帖由 花花公仔 於 09-12-1 17:36 發表
Hi Ian,

I forgot whether I ask you before. May I know the English teacher is not Indian now?

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發表於 09-12-1 21:25 |顯示全部帖子
hehe, I am also not thinking about any other primary school.  But lately because of my involvement in PTA, so started to consider whether to target for AM or PM primary only.  I think at the end will choose AM primary anyway.

Shannon started to take courses in the summer because of the early summer holiday.  She likes to draw so originally we let her try Opus1.  She enjoyed it very much but the class schedule doesn't fit the school schedule so cannot continue.  Now she is taking the drawing class at our clubhouse and she is happy with it.  Audrey is going to start Music Wonderland at Tom Lee?  Shannon also started last month, but we both think it is too simple and not much fun.  Will see for 1-2 more months and decide whether to continue.

原帖由 rebeccaloky 於 09-12-1 18:34 發表
係呀, AUDREY都好鍾意做功課, 簡簡單單, 唔太難, 老師O係學校已經教左佢地自己點做, 所以番黎都好容易HANDLE!
小學未諗呀, 一心都諗住讀SH, 所以唔想煩住, HEHE, 我真係好懶!

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發表於 09-12-1 21:52 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks to SHCK parents like candietweety, the curriculum and teaching staff can be constantly improving since SHCK welcomes inputs from parents and we have quite heavy involvement in PTA.  This is also why I think SHCK is more open since PTA can be an headache for the school administration so not many kindergartens have PTA.  With my latest involvement in the PTA, I can feel a very warm welcome from the school management to listen to our ideas.  Of course, we shouldn't expect them to put in place all the inputs since these things are always easy to say, but difficult to put in actions.  We must trust the school are trying their best since there are plenty of complications running a school.

原帖由 candietweety 於 09-12-1 18:31 發表
this is the result we kept asking for, we requested pure english intonation and not too indian style, SHCK changed much in recruiting new NET!

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發表於 09-12-1 21:54 |顯示全部帖子
For the PM nanny bus route for Tsing Yi, pick up time is 12:15pm at MTR station and reaches school around 12:45pm.  Then leave school around 5pm and reaches Tsing Yi MTR station around 5:20 to 5:25pm.

原帖由 珈珈mama 於 09-12-1 21:41 發表
rebeccaloky, thx very much for your references,我想問,上晝班, 由青衣出發搭NANNY BUS 大約7:20-7:25上車, 咁放學既pick up 時間又係幾點?
下午班既返學放學上落車時間又係幾黠??thx ...

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發表於 09-12-2 10:11 |顯示全部帖子
hehe, same lar.  We also waited for over 1 year so even though I feel the Music Wonderland at Tom Lee is not very good, will try for 1-2 more months and see.

I think I like the kindergarten even more after joining the PTA as we have the chance to communicate with the school more often concerning various matters about the kindergarten.  They are also very open and can feel they are really doing things for the children.

What is Language Tree?  Is it the weekend English course at school?  Since those are outsourced, I think the school has little control over it.  

原帖由 rebeccaloky 於 09-12-2 09:17 發表
Tom Lee我都係今個禮拜六先開始第一堂, 聽人講都話麻麻地, 不過wait左咁耐都試下, 到時再consider la!
係喎! 你入左PTA為我地服務, hehe! 真係要讚下PTA, 噙日收到你地MINUTES, 好詳細, 好透明, AT LEAST等我地知道 ...

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發表於 09-12-2 17:18 |顯示全部帖子
Not really.  This is actually my answer to the teachers when we attend the SHCK interview.   I had similar when I was young to have friends in school for 15-16 years and I think this is great.  That's why I want to give my daughter such opportunity also.

原帖由 coco04 於 09-12-2 16:45 發表
哈哈! 咁快講到小學啦? 都好想深入了解上下午校的分別, 其實當時選報三間有中小學的幼園, 最主要係希望學校有一致的教育目標, 同好想囡囡有一d由細玩到大的朋友仔哈哈! 呢個想法係咪好另類? ...

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發表於 09-12-2 17:21 |顯示全部帖子
I feel it is not right to ask for tuition of the whole first term costing 3,000 plus at the beginning.  Shannon seems quite bore with the Music Wonderland so I need to see how it goes this month.

I also didn't apply for any English courses outside since I feel those training from school is sufficient.  At least we are not in a rush to train them really fast for any more interviews so I think I can let her learn it slowly.  Faster doesn't mean better and there are many more things to explore.

原帖由 coco04 於 09-12-2 16:34 發表
我地上幾個星期收到tomlee的電話, 話由2010年02月開始, 就要自行上網報名, 先到先得, 之前排隊全部失效, 所以走去報小小莫札特, 但都要5月先有堂上, 呢類親子班其實都唔知對佢地有冇幫助? 但要full paid上學期學費3x ...

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發表於 09-12-3 23:43 |顯示全部帖子
Please share if you find 小小莫札特 any good.  You are right, I also afraid Shannon 玩野 too!  (In fact I think she is already......)

Music Wonderland only lasts 'til 3 years old and 9 months and then there will be another program.  I think it is call something like JMC as you mentioned.  Really dunno lar, as long as they have fun, then let them try.  But I set a limit to two courses so she must choose what she really likes.  If she wants to join a new one, then need to give up an existing one.  

Not sure if that works, still exploring, hehe

原帖由 coco04 於 09-12-3 23:23 發表
music wonderland 係咪會有升級制? 係咪JMC呢?

我有留意tomlee 的JMC, 但好似又唔係學樂器喎, 好似3歲9個月就讀得, 差唔多又要報定名啦...

有時都唔敢報名架, 因為驚童童玩野 ...

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發表於 09-12-8 10:46 |顯示全部帖子
Well, I think the importance is the commitment from the parents to support the children during their study.  They have simple homework to do but you do have it almost everyday.  So parents need to have time (won't be long, 5-15 mins) to do it with them, which is intends to build the parent-child relationship closer.  And the children can have good habits to do homework everyday.

Also, there are always books (Chinese and English) borrowed from school and parents are expected to read them with the children.  This is to build a habit of reading and also spend time with them too.

Actually, the school is not that pushy as it used to be.  It has a long history of being famous of very pushy but no longer.  It's because the overall education environment has turned to activity based learning so SHCK also make adjustment according to the society needs.  However, if you compare to other kindergartens running purely activity-based, then may be this kindergarten can still be call demanding I guess.  It's all about what you expect.


原帖由 可愛小B 於 09-12-8 10:07 發表
想問問, 如果父母0既學歷唔高, 英文唔好, 子女可否入讀聖心呢. 如果考得入聖心, 日後會唔會讀得好辛苦呢. 雖然話讀書要靠小朋友自己努力, 但家長0既輔導都係好重要0既. 應唔應該幫子女報讀呢類學校呢 ...

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發表於 09-12-8 16:33 |顯示全部帖子
Hi 可愛小B,

As you can read and understand my reply in English, so don't be too humble and nervous about handling the English subject.  I believe you can certainly handle it .

Like Lafayette said, as parents we can study together with the child so no need to be too nervous about it!  At the end, you may consider external help like tutoring classes for extra pair of hands!

I wish you all the best!


原帖由 可愛小B 於 09-12-8 14:50 發表
唔該曬iantsang, 同小朋友一齊做功課唔係問題, 依家每日都有親子時間, 其他課目都冇問題, 最怕0既係英文, 幼稚園可能都ok, 但小學可能就幫唔到d咩0勒, 依家連幼稚園都未返,已經驚住小學, 中學點算, 變得成日壓力好大 ...

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發表於 09-12-9 00:04 |顯示全部帖子
hi pcl813,

Not all classes have boys since the school will try to ensure there are around 5-6 boys in the same class so usually there will be about 3-4 classes from both am/pm which have boys (usually in A and B classes).  Altogether I think about 10% of each year are boys.

The P1 allocation results for boys is really not an area which I have spent much time on but in general they all got pretty good gov't aided or private schools.

I usually will encourage parents to try SHCK although they need to travel from far away, but usually for girls.  Any special reasons you would like your boys to travel a long way for SHCK?  Mind to share?  Concerning nanny bus, I am not sure if any children living in Kwai Hing now but we certainly have pickup from Tsuen Wan, Tsing Yi and Shum Cheng.


原帖由 pcl813 於 09-12-8 22:54 發表


真係好多問題,iantsang可以解答嗎,唔該。 ...

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發表於 09-12-11 23:19 |顯示全部帖子
Hi esther.cy,

Yes, my wife quit since our first child so she can be available to take care of the children.  There are quite a few of full-time mom in SHCK but I didn't really count.  My guess is probably around one-third to one-fourth, may be.

The questions to parents are quite standard.  I think there was one asking why choosing this kindergarten, then followed by asking what were my expectations on the kindergarten for the child development.  May be also one more asking what we do with the child during leisure time.  I think just three questions only.


原帖由 esther.cy 於 09-12-11 15:40 發表

Your wife is not working? For me, I have quit my work because of my 2 kids at home. Heard that SH has lots of "full-time mammy", is it true?

Also, what questions they will ask parents during th ...

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發表於 10-1-8 00:09 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Rachael,

If you are targeting SH Private Primary, certainly SHCK will be the best choice. However, as some of SHCK girls will also go to SHCS (pm) so there will be vacancies left.

St. Rose of Lima's is good, but I am not sure if it helps for application of SH private.

Good luck!


原帖由 rachelcharles 於 10-1-5 16:54 發表
Hi Ian,

Nice to meet you, my daughter is 0711bb, will apply SH K1 this year.

I want to know if if SH kinder do not accept her, is it high change for her to apply to SH private primary school???

I ...

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發表於 10-1-11 20:05 |顯示全部帖子
Plenty of children from TKO, dun worry.  Also, small B is not an issue, also a lot of them!

原帖由 Kobaby 於 10-1-11 16:03 發表
我的女兒今年九月會報K1, 我住得好遠, 將軍澳, 請問有冇在學同學係住到咁遠呢?

另想問, 我女兒係12月出世, 細b, 聖心會唔會專收大b呢?


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發表於 10-1-18 00:08 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Anissa MA,

I am sorry but I am not very sure.  However, I do remember there are parents from Shatin mentioned about nanny bus to SHCK.  May be you can check some old threads under SHCK's forums 'coz this is how I find the contacts last year.

Basically the two main group of nanny buses are organize by Mrs. Cheung and James Wong.  Do you have their contact no.?


原帖由 sylsysin 於 10-1-18 00:02 發表
Dear Ian,

Do U know is there any nanny bus from Shatin(Tai Wai) to SH.  And how long does it take ??

Anissa MA

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發表於 10-1-27 21:43 |顯示全部帖子
Hi tvkittymama,

Wow, you are thinking about K1 application already?  It's a bit too soon and I also got confused by other parents back then when my daughter was still just one years old.

Basically you need to start applying for K1 starting Aug/Sep 2011.  If you plan for pre-nursery too, then will need to apply later this year, also around Aug/Sep and check around for nursery you desire.

For SHCK, the application for your daughter should be around November 2011 (application form download from www.shck.edu.hk) and interview around January 2012.

For interview questions, since it vary every year, it is the best to check with threads posted here for the latest.


原帖由 tvkittymama 於 10-1-26 16:09 發表
Hi Ian,

May I ask when should I start preparing application for K1 for my daughter? She was born in March 09.

Any interview/questions should be prepared?

What is the difference are AM/PM classes, c ...
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