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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 有冇TKO黃永樹升小一嘅家長呀, (交流吓啦) ...
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有冇TKO黃永樹升小一嘅家長呀, (交流吓啦) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 12:43 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Elaine, when did WWS start per lesson for one hour? Does it common for language subjects for double lessons per week? I saw e-notice from WWS web site that there has five lessons English per week, how does school arrange?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 15:29 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 BOSKERMA 於 08-9-4 13:34 發表

我囝囝一星期5日都有中、英、數3科, 每科一堂時間, 其餘科目如常識、音樂、電腦、體育等每星期好似只得一堂, 我覺得體育堂一星期一堂唔係好足夠呀。


Thanks BOSKERMA, when will NET teach English? Last few months, when I attended Introduction Brief in PLK WWS, the vice-principle said a new method for teaching English by mass volume of story books reading, how many story books in book-list for P1? Have you received "Common English Dialogue in lesson" CD from school? Quote from web site, WWS prepare CD which is in order to adopt English for teaching in English lesson.

I repeat here as follows

英文科: 教師重新組織小一教科書內容的學習單元,加入由教師挑選的多本大圖書,針對其內容並編寫成校本教材,目的是幫助學生增加造句練習、擴闊字詞認識及提高閱讀興趣;此外,為了使小一學生盡快適應小學的英文科進行全英語授課,本校教師編製了一套日常課堂英語會話應用的光碟,使學習英語變得更有趣味

More or less, I will choose WWS as my children's primary school.

Millions thanks,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-4 15:40 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 samsmama 於 08-9-4 15:13 發表
想問下大家覺得黃永樹和馮程,邊間比較适合文靜型的男孩呢,同時,妳們是否認為黃比馮優點多些,所以選這校呢.可否比小小意見我參考下.謝謝. ...

My children will be a primary school pupils next school year, so far as I know, both are suitable for ya kid if he is silence (文靜型), however, PLK FC is quite discipline-demanded, and the school adopt traditional teaching method just like the day we were.

Please point out my faults freely if I am wrong (Especially Elaine and BOSKERMA, both of you are the main source from WWS).

Million thanks,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-5 09:45 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 BOSKERMA 於 08-9-5 08:04 發表
hi kennisliu107,

睇嚟你對WWS好熟識咁喎, 唔知你小朋友係未WWS學生呢? 讀P幾呀? 有時間多D上嚟傾吓呀, 咩P2已分精英班啦, 因我之前睇過校內通告話較高年班先會分成績嚟編班, 我印象中好似係P4咁上下, 咁唔知係未我 ...

It seems PLK primary schools changed one-hour per lesson, I got this message from PLK LHT primary school. Elaine is right, Chinese, English and Mathematics are 5, 5, 4 lessons per week. Most likely, kennisliu107 meant there are 2 classes adopt PTH as Chinese subject in P2, ie. these 2 classes are "elite class".

Government aided schools generally have elite classes as the school itself has no right to select desired students.

Thanks Elaine, how about your youngest son, does he go to kindergarten this year? My children told me they couldn't find ya daughter when they back to home on Monday. I just told them as ya daughter is smart enough to enroll WWS, they will meet her again if they work hard now !!!
Elaine, what is the teaching language for English? English or Cantonese?

Thanks BOKERMA for the rapid respond. Can share ya valuable school information right here.

[ 本帖最後由 leetong 於 08-9-5 09:57 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-9 13:23 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 summichalle 於 08-9-8 15:28 發表
Sorry, typing error.
should read as 甲部 : 首選------區內心儀學校   
check pm  again pls.

Thanks, I got it.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-9-10 11:32 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 BOSKERMA 於 08-9-10 10:56 發表
Hi, herman-mame,

你好呀 我囝囝係一善班, 多d上嚟交流呀。

我琴日都收到d英文書呀, 係淺咗d同埋好小字又細本, 我都想知佢地一本可以教幾耐呀


Just copy from PLK English secondary school (保良局陳守仁小學) for reference.

Home Reading Scheme

Read the books from the classroom library or our school library or exchange books with your classmates.
For P.4 to P.6 students, your books should contain more than 50 pages.
For P.3 students, the books you read should contain more than 20 pages.

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