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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 比較蘇淅及維多利亞幼稚園
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比較蘇淅及維多利亞幼稚園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-20 17:09 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 share123 於 10-3-18 15:08 發表

D老師我就無親眼觀察過,但維記d評估報告特別簡單,只有兩項,一個是W,另一個好像是L. 總之,拿著成績表好難分出小朋友既高低

In response to share 123:

I agree with you.  There might be some problems with their children assessment report.  They only use "W" and "L" to differentiate childrens' abilities and intelligence which is too simple and unfair.  This is because different children would grow at different speed.

The point is children are unique individuals.  The assessment mode must be comprehensive. More written comments plus a 5-rate assessment (1-5) should be included in the report.

You know, the way how the school assesses children could truly reflect their education philosophy.

In spite of this, their teachers are not too bad.  And  their activities are interesting.  The design of their school and the materials used (toys & books) are up to the standard.
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