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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 點解想入DBSPD/DGS ?
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點解想入DBSPD/DGS ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-17 16:18 |顯示全部帖子
My son also enjoys his school life in DBSPD very much. Littlecat is right, all kids there are very happy. They didn't give many homeworks, my son usually complete with 1 hour. They don't recommend too much writing. This year, school just give 3 accessments in a year and there is no ranking. I don't feel pressure from all accessment ven my son is just average. I think the most important is to train up him to learn independently.

Like last week, school have dictation, my son didn't tell me this because he want to do revision himself. Finally, he got 76 marks. I didn't feel unhappy because I appreciate his plan. School didn't feel wrong and even encourgae him to try better next time.

Honestly, when my son was in G. 1 & 2, his academic performance was not good. Sometimes failed. But school never give up in helping him, both academic and mentally. Teachers try to help him more and give encouragement. After every test, school also call me to tell me his marks. Sometimes it's not good but teachers never give me pressure and tell him that he was actually trying his best. I appreciated that very much.

Therefore, with all the help and no pressure, my son can is doing much better.

Last year, he got 20 marks more in English. I got the call from his teacher when she finished marking. She was very happy and tell me this good news. She also told my son in the morning, before his last GS test, because she said she want him to know this good news and then, do better in GS test.

It's not a must she did that but she did.

I feel very lucky that my son is studying in DBSPD, not just because of his famous and it's all the care and encouragement from school.

They won't give up students but is really trying their best to help.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-18 11:37 |顯示全部帖子
因為交學費比學校唔係淨係要佢地科科一百分囉. 响學校得到既唔係單一响補習社可得到, 學校比一個好既學習環境, 有nat teacher, 有普通話老師, 比唔同既羣体學習基會同exposure. 好似學校在星期五有選修科, 有好多科目如money management, africa culture, Japan Culture, 時間管理等廿多項給小朋友選擇. 所以, 補習社與學校是扮演不同的角色既. 我唔會將交學費作為考試100分既費用. 學習是終身, 最緊要小朋友享受學習.

無可否定, 每個申請人都經過面試才被取錄, 但, 面試沒有筆試, 只是幾分鐘面談, 學校又怎可保證揀選既學生不會考試不合格呢 ? 所以, 學校只可從整個家庭配合條件去judge. 這也解釋了点解有人成日話non-working mum is better, it's not a must (I am also a working mum) but the support maybe better.

但是, 既使考試唔合格既小朋友也未必是差學生(But if you only concentrate on academic, it's true), 好似我個仔, 有好强communication and social skills, IQ120, but just he has weaker concentration ability which will affect his learning indeed. 但我認為, 最重要係學校沒有放棄學生, 不斷提供協助是最重要. DBS 係好多人想入既target/dream school, 如果學校只接受成績好既學生, 只要佢叫成績差既學生走, 佢也可以有大把waiting list 既choice but she didn't. I know another famous boy school, she will asked student to quilt if the standard is not achieve.

如果大家有留意, 會發覺教統局只會在小一才去所有學校幫同學做學習障礙test, 而唔係幼稚園 ? 係因為小朋友一般只可在小一stage才反映, 所以在interview時或家長本身都未必在佢地K3時發現或確定. 而且, 有學障既小朋友也可以在其他唔同方面有好突出既表現. 考試唔合格並不可label小朋友唔得既.

Anyway, it's all my own comment and what I know, 沒有反爻擊之意. Just share something. Thank you !
原帖由 love_dreaming 於 08-12-18 10:12 發表

學生唔係已經揀過至收架咩?質素肯定冇問題,點解會有人唔合格?呢樣係咪學校 ...
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