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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 對不起, 囝囝........
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對不起, 囝囝........ [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-27 23:05 |顯示全部帖子
其實你很了不起, 你是我們的小天使, 好寶寶.......' It makes me cry.  我都有 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-27 23:55 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 BBR 於 08-10-27 23:07 發表
我今日至同老公講無所謂啦!反正一定有書讀,入到名校當然好,入唔到都唔代表自己的小朋友差,佢已經try her best,佢咁細個想佢點,所以有D學校我已經放棄唔interview ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-28 00:06 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-29 23:39 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

God has already arranged for the best schools for my son.  I surely believe the God has arranged or shall arrange the best for all of you also.  Let me share my testimony with you.

The most important criterion in mind when choosing a school for my son was that the school had to provide a very religious teaching environment such that the school could teach him more about the God, Jesus and the Bible.  On the other hand, most of conventional (and reputable) Christian schools' have very intensive curriculum and I understand they are not suitable for my son (I myself don't like this kind of schools either).  Although my son is not a very intelligent child, he is good at English.  Therefore, int'l schools would be a right choice.  On the other hand, I was worry that int'l schools were weak in Chinese and Mathematics.  You can imagine how many potential schools were in my list and therefore it troubled me a lot.  

I subsequently found a Christian private school which offered real activity based learning environment with very small sized class ("School G") (but not established by a church and therefore seemed not very religious to me).   In the interview, my son screwed up a very simple question which no child is supposed to screw up.  But surprisely he did very well in the English Q&A and has been accepted by School G.  But I was still in doubt and kept wondering if another quite reputable school established by a church would be better.   One day when I attended a Bible lesson (and thoughout I was still thinking about which school to choose), the speaker who used to be the principle of a band 1 secondary school introduced a book about up bringing of children by Christian parents.  He agreed with the book that parents should not put all the responsibilities of educating children on schools.  Parents are primary responsible for the moral and religious up bringing of their children.  God told me that it was wrong for me to let the school get my son to know Him.  It is supposed to be my responsibility.  My only doubt about School G was solved by God and you certainly will experience God's grace and leading as I did.

God will Take Care of You!  http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/God_Will_Take_Care_of_You/midi/
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