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Little Gym vs Kiddy Gym [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-9 15:44 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My son currently go to Little Gym every week but since they planned to move somewhere in TST next year (March 2010)... still not confirmed the venue yet and i had received a sms from Kiddy Gym today and invited me for free trial class before January 2010.  If some BK's mami went for Kiddy Guy and Little Gym please kindly advise what is the different between both.  Thanks
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-10 14:11 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# SKB 的文章

That's very good at Harbout City.... coz which must have car parking ... SKB do you know what exact location?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-14 13:56 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 2# SKB 的文章

I went to Kiddy Gym last Saturday, only a bit small but two instructors can easy take care every adult and child, i asked Kiddy Gym the maximum attendance for every class is 12 pax, so they can easy to handle and of course there venue is smaller than Little gym. BTW, the instructor was Mr. R who used to work in Little gym before and my son was super happy about that...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-28 17:20 |顯示全部帖子
Kiddy Gym web site as following:-

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-28 17:22 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 muibaby 於 10-1-25 21:59 發表
i also went to the trail class of Kiddy gym last Sat and join the 12 classes after that, my son is very happy after the class and said he want to go here again next week...so I join it even though I'm ...

No worry, as long as he happy with it and Kiddy Gym quite near MTR station.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-12 12:26 |顯示全部帖子
i have booked trial class for Story tomorrow, see if it is good or not. Thanks
原帖由 Kayden_Mum 於 10-3-10 12:59 發表
Yes, they also have Art, Music and Story playgroup.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-23 15:14 |顯示全部帖子
That's what i heard last week too... but will move to Ocean Centre on 1st April.... btw, anyone know where is Ms Kaycee and Ms May gone???
原帖由 swxo 於 10-3-23 12:58 發表
Yes, the Causeway Bay shop will be opened after Ocean Centre shop.

The schedule there is uncertain yet, the only thing they can tell is CWB shop will be opened around May/Jun

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-23 17:40 |顯示全部帖子
oh! thank you, another Ms Wincy who i really dun like her she is disappear too.... she is very rude!
原帖由 acpeanuts 於 10-3-23 17:32 發表
Most probably Ms Kaycee will be going to My Kiddy Gym. For Ms May, she's now pregnant and taking maternity leave.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-24 15:41 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, is Vinny, personally i dun really like her.
原帖由 acpeanuts 於 10-3-23 20:39 發表
Do you mean Ms Vinny? She's also in My Kiddy Gym now.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-24 15:42 |顯示全部帖子
I dun think so !!
原帖由 yaulinda 於 10-3-24 08:57 發表
有人傳聞little gym和kiddy gym是同一老闆,

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-24 15:44 |顯示全部帖子
If Ms Kaycee go to Kiddy Gym... i may consider change my son to Kiddy Gym.
原帖由 acpeanuts 於 10-3-23 17:32 發表
Most probably Ms Kaycee will be going to My Kiddy Gym. For Ms May, she's now pregnant and taking maternity leave.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-24 16:53 |顯示全部帖子
yes, because one of the staff gone to Kiddy Gym and introudce another, of couse Kiddy Gym not enough manpower.  The reason i dun think they are related because The Little Gym will open a branch at Causeway Bay in May or June, no reason to fight each other, if they are related.
原帖由 yaulinda 於 10-3-24 16:40 發表
And I don't think so too,
is that means the staff from
little gym are just "jump the gap"
to kiddy gym?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-13 15:46 |顯示全部帖子
we started in Harbour City, coz my son go to weekend class, only one floor can get the lift which on G/F beside LV's shop, no free parking duirng the weekend, and also during weekend need to queue up for car parking at Ocean Terminal, so need to spare more time for this, other than that the area seems a bit smaller than New World centre. But actually i think the area is bigger just only less one side window so we felt a bit smaller.  But so far is ok for us.
原帖由 yaulinda 於 10-3-25 08:48 發表
Yes, Little Gym is an US group,
but has franchise system,
so it is still possible that the owner
is hong kong people.
I've tried Kiddy Gym, it's almost 70% alike Little Gym, that is why I feel curio ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-16 15:15 |顯示全部帖子
係呀,不過Kiddy Gym 細d, 你講得好啱,呢家d老師向Little Gym真係唔知點咁,個個都好似好無"心"囉!  只係好似求其做好一份工,好表面,好假囉,其實如果無得比較都可以,但呢家就硬係覺得Ms Kaycee, Ms May...好好多,但點好法我就唔知點講,有無人覺得應該係點講?
原帖由 dailings 於 10-4-15 17:11 發表
咁係咪即係大家都覺得kiddy gym基本上所有野都同little gym差唔多??
我就係覺得little gym依家個班老師好唔知點咁,,好想同仔仔轉!!而且我地又住係港島區...如果miss may遲d都會轉去kiddy gym既話就好啦!!! ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-19 13:01 |顯示全部帖子
係呀,我都上過佢一堂,都幾好呀!因為上次Ms Lein(唔知點串,金頭髮果個)開唔都聲,佢成日都係好唔到聲架,佢ok gar... 果d Assistant 真係成日換,都唔明點解唔可以fix 一個 assistant, 反而instructor 如果我唔洗make up class 都係金髮女子,但佢都係唔係好好囉.
原帖由 o-kiddo 於 10-4-18 11:52 發表
Miss Manjeet 係好瘦個個印度的女子....我覺得佢係好有heart教....其他就可以話未夠quality.....都唔professional...唉......@~@

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-20 15:00 |顯示全部帖子
其實唔知有無媽咪記得,未搬之前好似見過一張notice,關於有兩個instructors...比police調查呀?懷疑偷左公司d野....唔知關唔關事呢?果時係過完年走左幾個instructor,所以我都無為意,希望唔關ms may事啦!佢好好人架.
原帖由 dailings 於 10-4-20 14:28 發表
我岩岩打過去little gym度問ms may幾時會放完假番去教...!!個老師話ms may唔會再番去教,辭左職"""

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-13 12:50 |顯示全部帖子
I also found that Gymboree in TST is no good. But i joined the package for 12 classes, my hubby asked me to bring my son to there everyweek during weekday and finish that quickly.  That Mr Alan i think is a new join instructor, that's why he cannot manage to leading a class.  BTW, is any BK mummy noticed that so many post stated that TST Gymboree really good but most those mummy is new joined member in BK?? so interesting!
原帖由 acpeanuts 於 10-5-12 22:09 發表
I tried Little Gym, My Kiddy Gym and Gymboree before and would like to share my experiences to all of you.

I attended the classes in Little Gym for 9 months. At the beginning, the instructors were ve ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-13 12:56 |顯示全部帖子
i bring my son to gym's playgroup around his 1 year old, which he can manage to walk a bit, when i took a trial class he did not manage to walk and i found very difficult to play with him. i think the earliest around 8-9 months is ok for BB go to gym's playgroup, if you want your child to play play and develope his muscle and social skills, gym class is ok for them. But if you want to train him for listen for instruction i think need to wait until you child is 1 year and seach for another kind of playgroup.  You may bring your child to trial class first, see it is suitable for you or not.
原帖由 cincin_ko 於 10-5-13 00:23 發表
我想請教大家, 我bb 而家5個月, 如果6-7個月去join gym 類的playgroup 會否太早? 佢剛識坐..會唔會好多野都做唔到, 有d side $$???

但係又想佢有正統instructor 教下, 同下其他小朋友玩下...可以玩乜野playgroup r? ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-17 10:39 |顯示全部帖子
我呢家好唔鐘意呢家嘅Little Gym, 好差, D人好差,個場好細,我至怕一班落堂,一班上堂,幾廿個大人同細佬向個waiting area 度,又無地方換shoes, 呢家個waiting room 又細,好鬼煩, instructor 又唔係好,好差...我個仔上次就係無地方換shoes撞親個頭,連Ms mandy 都唔見左呀??HK$220一堂,唔值!
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