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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 想請問有冇家長到現在還未有Offer呢?
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想請問有冇家長到現在還未有Offer呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-11-6 22:59 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Annngan 於 10-11-6 22:06 發表
本人係一名家庭主婦現有一兒子明年將入讀小一,但發覺原來想要一個小一學位會是這麼困難的,小朋友年紀小小就要面對小一面試的壓力,家長們也要承受一次又一次的Reject信,回到學校又要回答老師的問題其內容只是點呀?有冇收到 ...

Well, up to this moment, I do not find my son has pressure in going through the interviews b'cos we have never told him the consequence of not getting an offer from the DSS/private schools.  My son only knows that he is invited by the school principals/headmasters/headmistresses to play some games and answer some questions in order to show interest in studying in the schools. So far, he quite enjoys the process.

As I know, the kinder teachers have not asked my son (or even us the parents) about the interviews.  Actually I am quite surprised why the teacher(s) asked in your case.

So far we have one offer on hand, one waiting (but declined already), two 2nd int, 4 results pending and two rejected.

Take it easy and keep your fingers crossed.  The best is yet to come.  Btw, I'm a daddy.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-11-9 13:22 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 thomasha 於 10-11-9 08:33 發表
依我從不同渠道收集的資料,我個人非常喜歡救恩,它不會催谷得很厲害,但功課不算很淺;它很著重德育,我在孩子面試當天與該校學生的互動,覺得他們很純品和活潑開朗,對學校充滿歸屬感,學習興趣濃厚。另外,校長平易近人,更花不少心力 ...

As the current parents of the kindergarten section, we also like Kau Yan very very much.  I agree with thomasha in his comment about the school.

Same as most of you here, we have uncertainty of the bridging for secondary education and hence we did not apply to this school.  If we have not secured a DSS seat beforehand, we would definitely have made the p.1 application with Kau Yan.

Btw, I think the school fee of Kau Yan (primary) is some $3,000 and the figure will go up to $5k when school bus and lunch are included.
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