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教育王國 討論區 選科選校 科大 global business
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科大 global business [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-1-1 03:26 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 Rachethew 的帖子

UST嘅Business喺唔同嘅league table都係世界20大,論排名、國際知名度、僱主評分和學生口碑絕不在英國名牌大學之下,你話考慮中大、牛劍同LSE還說得過去,但為咗Warwick我就唔認同。

而且科大都有俾學生到海外交流,我識嘅幾個科大舊生都讚不絕口。俾我揀就會疊埋心水係科大讀first degree(更何況仲有scholarship),儲多D錢同考好D GPA 搏哈佛、芝大嘅MBA仲化算。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 17-1-13 10:40 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 HHHR 於 17-1-13 10:46 編輯

回覆 Rachethew 的帖子

I opine that the most important factor for making decision is what your child would like to study.

As 'management', 'business' and 'economics' are very common undergrad programs, what determines whether a graduate can get a job depends on his/her academic achievements, personality, maturity, performance in interview, related working experience, etc. instead of which program taken.

Also, please note that 'business', 'management' and 'economics' should be different programs. On the whole, 'economics' is rather academic in nature, focusing on concepts and theories. On the other hand, 'business' / 'management' is more on application, with lots of case studies and focus on problem-solving. It should be up to your child which one is more suitable to him/her.

Personally, I will take UST Global Business instead of LSE Management. LSE is a world renowned university, but its management program, in my opinion, is no match with her LLB or Economics. On the other hand, UST Global Business is a world renowned program, and has been very famous in the field, though someone may think UST is a relatively young university. But don't forget UST has been awarded by QS as the best 10 young universities, and is on a 'rising' track of development.

Considering employment opportunities, should it be Europe or Asia-Pacific that is more likely to provide more business opportunities in the years to come?

If it is for me, I will try to get a very good honor degree from UST, and aim at a second, professional degree from the top business schools, like Harvard or Chicago.
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