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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 中文59分 數學57分 p1留班好?還是 轉校好? ...
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中文59分 數學57分 p1留班好?還是 轉校好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-6-20 22:43 |顯示全部帖子
I think you should go into more detail analysis before you make conclusion.  May try to figure out what're the problems, and what undermine these problems.   Otherwise, she will just face the same kind of problems but struggle less due to she knows better the content if she repeats the grade.

Questions like:
1.  Has she spent much effort as much as she is capable of doing so?  ie. it's not because of her capability, is because of something that hinder from her from performing?  e.g. most marks lost in careless mistakes, she couldn't concentrate due to some factors?

2. Who have been looking after her homework and study since P1 has started?  Have you already paid alot of effort in assisting her?

3.  Did she lose confidence in herself?  I know a few P1 girls who always not performing well in major subjects, but they don't feel bad at all!  

4.  What's her strength and weakness?  Some children don't perform so well in school, but could perform very well in some other extra-curricular subjects, e.g. science related, music related, sports related etc.

Try talk to your daughter, observe and identify her shortfalls and strength, and identify the way that could motivate her interest in the subjects and study.  And beware of any possible learning deficiencies................

[ 本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 11-6-20 22:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-6-22 14:16 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 好命婆 於 11-6-22 14:10 發表

睇到呢段有些身同感受   我個女也是小一,年初第一次派成績表其實成績中等, 平均分都有85分, ....

......可惜都要考第尾。當時老師話如果成績沒改善, 出年就不能跟原班升上精英班。當時我都跟阿囡傾過呢個問題, 阿囡又係 如果可以的話暫停補習, 要佢上課留心啲, 回家後要講返老師教過嘅嘢。考試前預早溫習。...

In fact, 85 average marks are not bad war.  Which school is that?  

I agree what you said, suspending 補習 and ask the kid to tell us what did they learn in the class, so to observe if:

1)  He/she could actually understand the content

2)  he/she relies too much on someone who always stand by them, e.g. parents or 補習 center.  Some kids would think if they could always ask someone who always stand by them, ie.. parents, to teach them at home, they don't need to concentrate in the school.
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