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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 加大拿中學
樓主: 燁燁媽

加大拿中學   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-10-25 04:15 |顯示全部帖子
燁燁媽 發表於 18-10-24 10:08

Why would you consider Canada ?  Any particular reasons?

Do you know why he's not doing well academically at school?  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-10-28 02:27 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 18-10-28 03:06 編輯
brother4 發表於 18-10-26 11:44
可能自己住香港,不覺D食恐佈  也溫馨提示外國D食更恐佈,不平 另加國飲中茶文化好,有 ...

Well, I have more than 20 friends' children studying in Canada's public schools, never heard from them their children being bullied causing injuries.  Well, bully is everywhere, include HK.  

BTW, according to a statistics done previous year (although not sure of its credibility), HK had the highest rates of bullying.  

Even for elite schools in UK, there are.  UK has a high sense of social class.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-10-28 02:34 |顯示全部帖子
燁燁媽 發表於 18-10-26 14:57
現有BC & NB

Yes there were.  My friend of my friend, his child didn't do well in HK, always ranked at the bottom, she hated the school system.  Then went on to high school in Canada, got good marks, entered U of T Engineering. Finally got a job in engineering field.

Engineer faculty is a v good option for those who seek for co-op program to earn work experience, leading to more jobs opportunities in Canada in the future.  .  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-10-28 02:52 |顯示全部帖子
燁燁媽 發表於 18-10-25 20:34

What grade is your son now?

You're quite right at saying, stay away from metropolitan areas, such as Vancouver and Toronto.  Schools there are highly saturated with Asians, particularly Mainland China and India.

you're not Canadian?  If you son isn't doing well at school, say for example due to his English, or lack of motivation caused by the system, you probably want to find a school that's more of a local culture, i.e. native Canadian, so that he can tap on the benefit of having the environment to greatly improve his English.  In general, the learning culture in Canada is encouraging, the choice of subjects is very broad in public schools (even more than those private schools can offer), also more freedom is given to children.  The latter would mean that a teenager can fly high but can also become not as diligent as you wish, children are held accountable for their own autonomy.  

You said that you are thinking of NB, because you have relatives there to look after him.  Is he going to live with them?  Or you would choose to have him stay with host family? The latter would be a great opportunity for him to immerse into the culture and learn native English.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-10-28 03:03 |顯示全部帖子
燁燁媽 發表於 18-10-25 20:34

You may also want to look into the education system of Canada.

Canada had been named "education superpower" by some education correspondent in UK.  It came 6th in overall ranking in Pisa 2016, the 3 high school subjects measured and ranked all came within 10.  Its ranking was the highest among the well known developed countries of similar systems, e.g. UK, US, Australia.


For Ontario and BC, there are rankings published regularly by Simon Fraser Institute.  I've never come across with similar ranking for other provinces.  Go search for it if you want to have ideas about choices of school.  But I can tell you, the public school system in Canada is rather impartial, as long as a student gets a good score, it's pretty much the same regardless of where he studies.  Education system of Canada is highly non selective, unlike UK and Australia.

Good luck.  Your son is not far way from the greener pastures, because he has you to plan for alternative.  Go for a system that's suitable for him, then he can do well.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 18-10-29 01:18 |顯示全部帖子
燁燁媽 發表於 18-10-28 22:41
我大多數都會選NB, 也有2間學校可能收

如果你個仔咁大個, 就要留意下入大學嘅要求. 每一個省嘅畢業要求都唔同 ,而大部分加拿大學校, 喺你個仔情況,都需要佢考英文試.

同埋要留意定 佢心水嘅大學, 如果唔係同一個省, 入 學 嘅要求係點樣

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-1-25 09:40 |顯示全部帖子
Koala_Chu 發表於 19-1-23 11:32
你好, 請問你半年陪囝讀書, 另外半年? 有家人照顧? 還是找 host family?

我考慮緊陪囡過嚟讀書, 但無從入 ...

why wouldn't you consider host family? go somewhere with less mainlanders or Asian international students, by staying with host family, she can learn a lot.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-1-26 12:09 |顯示全部帖子
yy13 發表於 19-1-25 23:54

your son's school is a private school right?

indeed, public school system in Canada is nearly the best among the Western countries. the govt has been spending the highest % of its GDP on education, compared to uk, Aussie. as such the courses offered in public schools are of great varieties.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-2-2 17:22 |顯示全部帖子
SUSANNA 發表於 19-2-2 08:27
本帖最後由 SUSANNA 於 19-2-2 08:34 編輯

其實成績差成點?當日我都覺得女兒成績差(數、英都吾理想但 ...

本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 19-2-2 17:22 編輯

你安排得好。去细city, 多當地人地方專心讀書,英文進步快好多。

去私校,尤其出名,近大city 過D,好多講普通話的學生。其實出名公校,都類似。

在香港讀完s3, maths 係強D,但加拿大 science 係唔淺,textbook 深過香港。

我女都在Ontario 細city 讀書,好好!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-4-1 21:23 |顯示全部帖子
BAC媽媽 發表於 19-3-26 14:04
大家好, 我囡囡宜家讀緊小五, 今年9月讀小六, 我地一家人都打算返加拿大溫哥華俾囡囡讀初中, 我老公係加拿 ...

其實除了可以問下香港嘅agent (immigration agent, 唔係報讀中學嘅agent因為你係回流), 自己其實可以上去 你心目中有幾區嘅school board , send email問下 .

你呢個情況都好普遍, 未有地址但係打算回流, 呢個係牽涉到回留嘅安排。我識有人回流前半年,找定屋 ,咁佢哋就可以有個地址apply。又或者 未决定住邊區,就租住樓,咁當你有rental agreement 之類,可以拎去註冊學校。基本上加拿大公校既安排都係只要你有個地址証明,佢哋一定要畀你仔女讀,除非 滿曬位。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-4-5 01:49 |顯示全部帖子
BAC媽媽 發表於 19-4-2 08:54
回覆 daisy17772 的帖子

謝謝回覆, 我同老公都有朋友係加拿大, 囡囡到時過去都要讀小學最後一年GRADE 7,  ...


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 19-4-11 03:00 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 19-4-11 03:01 編輯
Cara2006 發表於 19-4-7 08:53
如果非居住加拿大的加藉人士,仔女返加好像不能享用免費公校。這一點已經有不少網友討論過。亦有網友說,其 ...


Those who have become custodians of the children of their friends / relatives should understand the full responsibilities of such role in legal aspects.

I came to know a case that the custodian wasn't aware of such huge responsiblities until one day he was asked to go to do notary.  He got fainted....

Parents should understand they may have been able to enjoy the free education for a limited amount of money (tuition fees only don't cost much) compared to the cost of transferring your custodianship of your children to another person whom you think he/she can truly take up the role in place of yourselves?  How much your friend/relative would really contact him/her?  How close they can monitor your own children?  

think twice.
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