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請教美國升學的準備 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-1-23 07:06 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kids-kingdom 於 15-1-23 07:08 編輯
mugtaitai 發表於 15-1-22 10:10
考大學係考 SAT,可以考無限次。subject test (phy,chem,bio)並唔係必須,睇個別大學要求。

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Subject test requirement is dependent on which course (faculty) you child wants to take. It is relatively easy for HK students as many of them can get full marks. Go through the requirement of the targeted Unis first.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 15-1-23 11:33 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 kids-kingdom 於 15-1-23 11:40 編輯
Sheep006 發表於 15-1-23 09:29
回覆 kids-kingdom 的帖子

Phy chem bio 的滿分是否800呢?但英文想取滿分應該比較難 ...

The full mark is 800 for subject test (till last year, should still be the same).

For tier 1 universities (MIT, Princeton, Harvard etc), I think 2200 or above for SAT reasoning is required. But SAT and subject tests alone are not enough to get into tier 1 universities. ECAs,  sports are also important factors.

Writing applications / Essays  is a very time consuming process, especially during the final year. So choose the university carefully.

It is better to take SAT and Toefl before the start of F6. Some take the SAT reasoning twice. However, some universities allow you to use superscore (choose best score for each section from diff. tests) but others only accept score from one sitting.
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