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教育王國 討論區 聖保羅男女中學附屬小學 09/10小一家長請進
樓主: CSW

09/10小一家長請進 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-8 15:26 |顯示全部帖子
小女兒讀緊一丙... 問佢校園生活如何... 佢都係講啲唔講啲... 希望佢快啲適應... 好似已經識咗幾個friend
想問吓大家有冇報名參加學校嘅樂器班?之前幫小女報咗繳費樂器班(clarinet), 今日打比班主問幾時會知道消息,得到嘅答覆係:不入選
有啲唔開心... 本來佢滿懷期望學新樂器...
除clarinet外, 我哋本來都選擇咗oboe... 因為女兒對woodwind樂器好有興趣... 不過到依家都未有消息, 睇嚟都係兇多吉少... 要自行喺出面搵先生教...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-9 10:38 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 LydiaWong 於 09-9-8 22:53 發表
點解我仔冇提過視藝袋?入面有乜架?我仔都冇講過'robot'? 唔知係咪班班有D唔同定我仔miss左呢!?

家課冊應釘有一張紙仔... 彧者可以入intranet睇吓... 可以對吓每日有冇check漏咗items...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-11 20:03 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 CSW 於 09-9-11 14:23 發表
My fd just told me that her kid in St. Stephen (Stanley) can take instrument class at school, and in fact all P.1 studnets have the chance...it just make me think that how come we pay so much school f ...


Apart from the musical instrument classes, there are lots of other activities that SPCCPS offers and other schools don't... there is no need to feel disappointed just because our kids could not get into one of those instrument classes... There will be plenty of alternatives for them to learn and participate, all of which are just as worthwhile as learning an instruments... and no kids will not be left out...  

There are good reasons that the school is unable to offer instrument lessons to all students... obviously there is the resource constraint... there are 150 kids in P1 and just about every parent would want their kids to participate in an instrument class... but there are only a few teachers who teach these instruments... so the seats are bound to be limited and they would need to pick students with better potentials... i heard that if a student has already started learning to play the instrument prior to coming to P1 then there will be a greater chance for him/her to get in... i can't be 100% sure if that is really the case though...
i think the teachers also look at the kids' physical ability to determine whether they are suitable to start learning the instrument at P1... for instance my daughter told me that the oboe/clarinet teachers checked out their hands during the introductory session... and apparently my daughter's hands are too tiny to play neither of the instruments... so at the end she did not get picked... i spoke with the class teacher and she said if the student is really interested in the instrument than by all means take lessons outside of the school... which is what we will do... my daughter is very interested in woodwind instruments and since her hands are small, we may take her to learn the flute later this year...

IMHO, we have to remember that music is for appreciation... let's not force the kids to learn an instrument just because everyone else is doing so...   

God bless! :)
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