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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ESF TY mami,How's your kid's first day?
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ESF TY mami,How's your kid's first day? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-9-3 16:04 |顯示全部帖子

Thank you very much for your tips.

After 2-day observation, I'm quite concern about the hygiene problem. As there is a snack table available all the time during and another one in their classroom right after the studio time, the kids can eat there when they want. But no one knows whether they wash hands before eating after playing or even toileting. Although we keep reminding them, you know the kids, they may lose control when they see their favorite food.

I agree with you that the less intervene, the better the way to train them to be independent. But due to the recent deseases and the wide spread of flu, I think the school could do more on the supervision (just supervision, not helping the kids).

I also want to be a parent volunteer, may be I will ask Vicky whether we can help to keep an eye on it.
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