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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 幼稚園都要霸?!
樓主: sig28

幼稚園都要霸?! [複製鏈接]

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發表於 14-4-9 00:32 |顯示全部帖子
回覆 mable0901 的帖子

If Zenith didn't submit any bids. Then this incident would not even happen!!! As to the best of my knowledge, i am only aware of school setting up new campus from scratch. (Eg. St Catherine they open a new campus in Hung Hom / they did not take ove other school premise by paying the landlord higer rent). Zenith is running its school like a business, they are aware that the Dragon year baby means good business opportunities especially for bb from Mainland China!!! that's why they decide to submit a bid!!  I support that us Hong Kong mommies should boyscott Zenith (All Campus) they are putting children's welfare at the bottom !!!! Hoping that it will close down some years later when there are less mainland babies studying in HK/
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