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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 SFA有result了
樓主: lalalambb

SFA有result了 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-15 17:06 |顯示全部帖子
Those rejected noneed disappoint, you can still knock its door after lucky draw announce. usually there are still 10 to 20 seats release as some might give up the offer if they get another good offer in lucky draw or other private school like APS. it is not final, my daughter got the offer by knocking the door too. (my friend gave up the offer even after she got the seat in knocking door, she chose another school finally) 希望在人間

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-17 16:07 |顯示全部帖子
Just share with those unsuccessful kids, u can knock door after lucky draw. my girl got all failed in first round but after lucky draw, 4 schools accepted her. so just pray and no need to be so sad in this moment.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-11-18 22:14 |顯示全部帖子

回復 91# wkf 的帖子

of course knock the door right after the lucky draw announced and they will notify you the interview if they think your kid meet their requirement.

Please note only those who apply their school in the first round can have the chance to knock the door after lucky draw (this almost apply to all schools).  

I can tell it was really hard time in P1, always yell at my daughter and I went mad and disappointed every time (I cried many times and felt desperate) when I got the test papers back. Most of the mom in her class were housewives and I need to work so I was very worry. But later I find blaming her is not a good way to get improvement, only encouraging works. Now she is ranking middle and we know how to deal with her school works, we have the revision right after every lesson is taught. (of course I am sure there is room for improvement because you can't always discipline and she is only a kid)

The advice I give you is to study hard but not to blame her when she got low marks, motivate her and tell her you will be always by her side. Every one has strength and weakness and don't compare with others, just do your best is fine. I always tell her I can accept her poor result provided that she has already worked hard.

BTW, she got TSL, KTS, GHS and SFA but I finally picked SFA because most of the girls in SFA can get a seat in good secondary school and the std of them should be (to my understanding only) the best among all. Only DGS and APS failed.
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