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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC stationery fee gone up 90%
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RC stationery fee gone up 90% [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-6 20:45 |顯示全部帖子
I am a mother of two kids, I am agreed it is a lot of extra bills to pay when the kids back to school in the new school year. I think school should give parents have a choice to pay their bills. Kowloon Junior their levy is pay by terms that will help some of the parents need.

RAPT fee? I know some of mums they never pay this fee because they did not want to be the members. And this year we a force to pay the membership no matter you wanted to be the member or not. I think membership should be a personal choice.

I had paid all the bills the school requested. I also like to know what I pay for and how much they are!


Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-29 16:08 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Cara2006 於 08-9-29 11:39 發表
你真係好搞笑,唔同你講落去,真係對各 bk 友唔住。

你要學校交代,你有冇直接約見校長?既然有 guts 公開在 bk 嘈,點解冇 guts 去學校搵 peter kenny 講數?

間間學校都有各大小問題,個個家長都會先係自己處理,真係搞唔掂,大不 ...

babykingdom 係比大家討論交流的地方, 每個人都可以發表己見. 不一定可以解決到問題. 不一定同你的見解一樣, 做人要客觀一D, 你咁大反應,真奇. 你咁樣仲有人敢在教育網交流. 容嘜易比你罵過嗅.
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