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教育王國 討論區 國際英文幼稚園 SC K3 家長 - P1 申請 - 吹水加油站!!!
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SC K3 家長 - P1 申請 - 吹水加油站!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-10-4 09:25 |顯示全部帖子
I have applied for 6-7 and the coming weekend would be the most critical weekend.  It's true that all three of us involved in this battle have grown alot.  Especially for my hubby and I.  At work, I am the one who give out instructions and make finally decisions to alot of matters.  For my girl, I have to say I could not be as calm and sensible as my hubby.  He gives specific comments and ideas which I could never thought of.  

My girl will go for KTS for interview on Thurs.  On Sat, will have CKY to start with, then TL and finish up with DGJS.  On Sun, we will need to go TSL.  I have never had that kind of interview schedules for myself.  I have only attend three interviews for my work in my life so far.  Felt so sorry to put my girl in this kind of battle.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-10-30 14:24 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter hasn't got any offer so far as well!  She is a small girl n I understand most of the school would favor big girls!  My hubby n I were a bit disappointed but not too upset!  I still have faith on my girl n if there is no acceptance from any private school, we will wait for the allocation!  We would try hard to nuture her in the next six years n try again during secondary school!  Worse comes to worse, we will just take her back to Canada to study!
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