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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 不知所為的聖馬加利
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不知所為的聖馬加利 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-29 10:49 |顯示全部帖子
I had a very unhappy event when my son attended the interview at 培僑書院 2 years ago, and share your feelings.... But know kids and their parents studying at 培僑書院 are happy with the school and their kids' progress. Hope you will get over it soon!

My son is currently studing at SMCE and so far I am happy with the school and my son's progress. I just read the Review Report from the Dept of Educations, and have extracted the following for current SMCE Primary parents as it is not a bad report and lots of good comments given to the Primary section, but of course there are areas the school needs attention and improvement:
Review Period9-11 & 14-17 May 2007

The review was of SMCE primary & secondary school as a whole:

Page 14:

The performance of primary students is more impressive than that of those at secondary level. They are confident, expressive, motivated and show greater initiative in responding to teachers’ questions. They are quick to initiate action when asked and eager to participate in learning activities. They can communicate fluently

and raise questions in English. They enjoy reading more than their secondary counterparts. In summary, they have good potential for further advancement....."

Page 20:

Students are pleasant, amiable, well-behaved and polite. They enjoy school life and articipate actively in a variety of co- and extra-curricular activities. Most students have a positive learning attitude. In particular, primary students are cheerful, active, responsive and demonstrate good communication skills.

Page 22:

Primary students perform much better in English than in Chinese and Mathematics. Their problem-solving and collaboration skills could be further developed in Mathematics and Chinese respectively.


For a through-train school with a short history of development, the school has many challenges ahead. Commendable efforts have been made on laying a good foundation for further development. As its vision and mission, the school is committed to providing

students with all-round development and a positive-thinking learning environment, and developing students’ competencies for life-long learning. The school-based curriculum is broad and balanced and is progressive in optimizing students’ development in a through-train school. It gives prominence to cultivating an English-rich learning environment for its multi-cultural students and teachers, and has achieved some success.The comprehensive life education programme and the rich components of art, dance and drama have become school features to cultivate students’ values and cater for their varied interests. Good efforts have been made to broaden students’ exposure with rich and diversified learning experience. The school values home-school cooperation and has established good relationships with the parents. A harmonious and caring school culture is created. Teachers are friendly, cooperative and are concerned about the well-being of the students. The attitude and behaviour of most students are good. They enjoy school life and get along well with their peers in a multi-cultural setting. On the whole, the school is delivering the quality of educational experience and student achievement commensurate with its vision and goals in securing DSS status.

The report did mention that Primary pupils' performance in Maths and Chinese is not as good as their English but it did not say this is in comparason to average school standard, but to pupils' English Standard.

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