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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園 小朋友今日面試表現怎樣?
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小朋友今日面試表現怎樣? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-1-4 10:57 |顯示全部帖子
Wow!  How come there are so many questions?

There were 4 kids passing the ball, and there were only three questions asked: (1) Your name; (2) Your age; (3) and Your gender.  My daughter did well and answered immediately.  She can even help to pass on the questions to ask the next kid, and actively passing the ball.

Afterward, the kids were asked to select a toy and play.  My daughter is capable to play on her own without my help.  The teacher notice it and have focused only on asking me questions.  No questions were asked to my daughter.  Then the teacher brought her the gift (a ball) and my daughter said thank you.  And that's all.  At the end, my daughter helped to put the toys she played back to the original place so I think she did quite well this time.  However, I wonder how come so few questions were being asked to my daughter too.

原帖由 aung0528 於 09-1-4 01:16 發表
Here's the questions teacher has asked my daughter:
1) What's your name
2) How old are you
3) Not enough 3 years old
4) Who takes you to kindergarten
5) Where is papa/mama
6) Who bought you the dress

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-1-4 11:15 |顯示全部帖子
My daughter's interview was in room E, is it the same?  We are also interviewed in the afternoon, right after lunch.

原帖由 Bingb 於 09-1-4 11:10 發表
My interview is similar to yours. Maybe the same interviewer.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-1-4 13:55 |顯示全部帖子
It was really quite windy as we got there early around 12:35pm and there are a few people there already.  They finally open the gate at about 12:50pm so I think you must have returned at the right timing!

We were second in the line for room E so you may notice my daughter since she was the one walking so slowly down the stairs by herself to 3/f which hold everyone up.  Apology to everyone affected!

I appreciate the fact as you do that they didn't hold the application form with them during the interview too.

Actually, I think I caught the teachers surprise to bring my daughter to the interview and my wife was waiting outside.  They reminded me a few times that "the one who play with the kids most" should accompany the kid.  But we insisted since we have confirmed with my daughter ahead that I will take her in for this interview.  Anyway, not sure this is good or bad, let's hope for the best!

原帖由 chu__chu 於 09-1-4 12:49 發表

Quite "inhumane" for us to wait outside the "windy" Grand Panorama during their lunch hour, right? We managed to stay in Bishop Lei Hotel's reception until 12:50 and noticed a long queue...

I don't  ...
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