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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園 聖心幼稚園(羅便臣道)有無人會去報名呀 ??? ...
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聖心幼稚園(羅便臣道)有無人會去報名呀 ??? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-11-27 00:05 |顯示全部帖子
聖心管得好嚴 <==  My daughter is studying there now and I don't find any such problem.  Of course, this is really depends on the expectation of the parents.  If you compare it to international kindergarten, then certainly it is.  I would prefer to teach the children with good manners and self-discipline.  They are very good of providing such training to the children to help them develop and grow with good manners, but the teachers are very nice while doing so, what more can you ask for?

功能好多 <== I think you mean a lot of homework and assignment to do.  Yes, the involvement from parents are necessary since there are many assignment to do at home.  They are simple though, but I think this is also depends on what you expect from kindergarten.  Parents involvement is important is critical to children development.  Some parents may expect the school will do it all but I don't agree with that since parents are too important to their growth to be missed.

Anyway, these are just my personal comments.

原帖由 冷暖自知 於 09-11-26 18:58 發表
兩間都係好學校, 聖心管得好嚴, 有舊同事女係度讀, 功能好多, 後未轉去國際學校.

st Paul 唔洗講, absolutely should apply.

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-11-27 01:26 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-11-27 00:56 |顯示全部帖子
For your information, there are many SHCK students from outside of HK island, with many of them from TKO too.  There are nanny bus from TKO and other parts of Kowloon/ N.T. to SHCK which can solve the issues with transportation.

原帖由 candykiki123 於 09-11-26 11:02 發表
如題.....本人是住將軍澳區,替女兒報這間幼稚園好嗎 ??? (我知地區很遠)正考慮中, 有無家長女兒而家係聖心讀緊但又不是住港島區呀 ?? 請大家比吓意見 ...

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發表於 09-11-27 11:00 |顯示全部帖子
Just want to clarify, the bus to TKO is a nanny bus, which is not organized by the kindergarten.  But there have been a few consistent services provided which only serves SHCK students.

原帖由 candykiki123 於 09-11-27 10:35 發表

thanks for your comments, 如學校有保姆車去將軍澳,我諗多數都會報,見有咁多將軍澳既家長都會去報,我都放心

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發表於 09-11-27 11:03 |顯示全部帖子
I assume parents here are in similar age and I also know what you mean by those students in SHCC.  However, I think they have relax the standard a little bit in the kindergarten nowadays to accommodate changes in the society.  I guess this is based on my assumptions with the SHCC students in the past so it doesn't seems so strict to me!  

原帖由 jean2003 於 09-11-27 10:39 發表

我唔知"嚴"既定義, 以前見到所有聖心(中學)既學生都系標準乖乖女咁堤嫁.... 所以我地呢班死仔都叫佢地系"小妹妹"...

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發表於 09-11-27 11:14 |顯示全部帖子
That's why I say it is really depends on parents expectation which will in turns affect the development of the child.

Although I prefer traditional schools too so that's why I choose SHCK.  However, it will be a concern to me too if the school is 管得好嚴.  It is because we need to leave certain spaces for the child to develop their own character.  If it is 20-30 years ago, I won't consider SHCK.  However, I can tell they have made the changes to have better balance and I agree with their philosophy.  Of course, there are costs to making such changes and not every parents can agree.  As the school allows the students with more diversity, it becomes difficult to control the quality of school works so the academic results cannot be maintained on a high level.  However, academic is NOT the only factor to consider so I hope to share with other parents when they make their choices for their children.  Particularly I appreciate and respect a school willing to sacrifice for the well being of the students, but not the other way around like some of the top schools which consider their own reputation over their students.

At least, I can believe my daughters can be a good person with her own character, while having certain quality which I agree with as she grow up with Sacred Heart (assuming she can attend SHCC )

原帖由 冷暖自知 於 09-11-27 10:56 發表
actually I don't matter much for 學校管得好嚴, that's one reason I perfer traditional shool then internation one.  And totally agree with you that parents pacitipation is very important, since school  ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-11-27 11:17 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-11-27 11:20 |顯示全部帖子
jean2003, are we from same secondary school so we have similar feelings about Sacred Heart and St. Clare's?

As I said just now, it is a very different Sacred Heart now comparing to the past.  I won't consider it if it is still the old one since I cannot accept the old way.  Concerning St. Clare's.....  hehe, I also don't see the same as most people comment if it was 20 years ago.  I guess they may have changed a lot also.

原帖由 jean2003 於 09-11-27 11:05 發表

St. Cla. 就....... ...我地見到就有唔同law..純粹死靚仔個陣既睇法...

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發表於 09-11-27 11:28 |顯示全部帖子
oh, then not the same school lar.  But I have friends who are schoolmates with you.

I think they have closed already.

原帖由 jean2003 於 09-11-27 11:26 發表

我讀Band 5嫁.. .個間.."鐘聲"...唔知仲系唔系樹呢..哈哈哈...

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發表於 09-11-27 11:47 |顯示全部帖子
Of course not lar!  We are enemies with those 白衫藍褲人 during lunch to fight to queue for buying lunch boxes only.  The hints is, we don't need to wear black shoes to school, so most students are in sports shoes.  Anyway, no need to reveal my identity......  hahaha

原帖由 jean2003 於 09-11-27 11:30 發表


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發表於 09-11-27 19:13 |顯示全部帖子
I am sorry but what is "CH"?

原帖由 冷暖自知 於 09-11-27 13:45 發表
CH 下周末先交表, 本周六就係st paul 交表, 至于in d 內容, 要問過人。

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發表於 09-11-28 01:02 |顯示全部帖子
The nanny bus needs less than 30 mins. each trip between Tsing Yi and SHCK.

原帖由 SCV 於 09-11-27 19:26 發表
i want to ask how long is the travelling time from tsing yi to scared heart?

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發表於 09-11-28 09:17 |顯示全部帖子
Hi MySweetBB,

Haven't your neighbour switched to the new route yet?  What you described happened in September only.  Starting October, Mrs. Cheung has separated the two routes, so Tsing Yi now is the only stop so the time is only 30 mins or even less.

原帖由 MySweetBB 於 09-11-28 01:17 發表
It takes almost one hour from Tsing Yi to SHCK.  My daughter is in am class and the pick up time is 7:20 am, arriving school at 8:10 am.  

For pm class, the traveling time is even longer - more than  ...

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發表於 09-11-28 23:40 |顯示全部帖子
Are you planning to queue up for the submission yourself?  Can someone else in the family help to do that instead?  The queue will be long on the Friday morning (Dec. 4) since many parents want to submit the form before going to work.  Even later in the morning, the experience last year will still need to wait for around 20-30 mins if I remember correctly.

It is really not good to queue up and stand so long while you are going to have a baby that day.  Please give a call to the kindergarten if you really can't find any one else to submit the form for you.

For the interview format last year, you can refer to the thread last year:


原帖由 jb-bb 於 09-11-28 14:00 發表

好多謝你share 的 information.

首先我想問問聖心在 4/12 交表, 當天是否需要一早往排隊交表叱呢? 我咁啱book 了4/12開刀生第二個bb, 有點擔心時間太趕.

另外我想問問interview 內容會考些甚麼? ...

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發表於 09-11-29 22:04 |顯示全部帖子
See if you can have other relatives to help to submit it since I think your husband should be available as you are scheduled for baby delivery.

If I use last year's case as example, I can say if your husband reach their really early (say 7:30 - 8:00am), he may probably be able to finish earlier but as there are more people who go there early, so eventually may need more time to stand there.

What about submitting it on Saturday?  If your child behaves better in the afternoon (e.g. after nap), then Saturday is also an option since those submitted on Saturday will have interviews in the afternoon (based on last year).

原帖由 jb-bb 於 09-11-29 10:39 發表

唔會由我排, 會由 dadday 排的, 但他當天也要陪我入院, 所以我要安排一下時間, 看看daddy 甚麼時候到學校門口排隊較為適當.

等我去睇下條 link 先.

非常謝謝. ...

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發表於 09-11-30 15:38 |顯示全部帖子
What time have you booked for the c-section?  If it is not so early then I think no need to go there at 7am (but really dunno since this year all kindergartens are so crowded) otherwise your husband will need to stand there waiting for 1.5 hours.

Don't blame yourself as you just can't plan for everything.  Have you called the SHCK's office to ask if they can make an exception for you so your husband can may be submit it later that day after the baby delivery?  The office number is 2521-0813.  I do encourage you to try.

原帖由 jb-bb 於 09-11-30 15:07 發表

我媽咪和家姐住在新界, 如果要她們出來替我排隊, 我想真的幾辛苦, 所以還是由 daddy 交表較穩當.

我都有諗過星期六交的, 但當天阿囡8:30 in 聖瑪加利大, 10:00 in 真光.

所以係無得選擇下, 一定要星期五交, 那唯 ...

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發表於 09-11-30 23:15 |顯示全部帖子
Don't worry too much now about the nanny bus route.  There are so many SHCK students in Kowloon West and NT West so they can certainly arrange.

As SHCK students and serious about getting into SHCS, then would have no problems at all.

原帖由 wcecilia926 於 09-11-30 15:39 發表
does anyone know if the nanny bus can stop by Lai Chi Kok? Also, will the SH primary school take all the kindergarten girls? I am thinking to apply SC for my daughter next yr...thanks

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-11-30 23:16 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-12-1 12:40 |顯示全部帖子

There are only 3 bands nowadays so it will be meaningless to keep comparing famous schools with banding anymore.  There are certainly no band 3 students in either of them and I really can't tell how many percents of their students are band 1 and 2 since it is no longer public information to release them.  (p.s. banding is for assessment of primary students, no banding for secondary school)

Concerning the travel time, I am sure even if you attend some kindergartens in Kowloon side, the school bus travel time will still be around 45mins so there won't be much different.

原帖由 Elsat 於 09-12-1 11:02 發表
We are living in Hunghom and my girl is accepted by GH K1.  This coming Fri, I will apply for SH also.
As an old girl of SH, I have no doubt about the level of SH. It is definitely a good school  ...

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發表於 09-12-1 21:34 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Harebellv,

Thanks to the latest update from another SHCK TY parent, the nanny bus costs is 2,000 for AM and 2,300 for PM.  It is using West Harbour tunnel.  The difference on the costs is mainly due to lesser number of pm students taking this route now.

It was an easy choice for us between SHCK and PC since (1) My daughter loves SHCK from the day she had the interview; (2) I prefer girls school for her primary study; (3) PC is a bit too old fashion to us; (4) I target SHCSPS (am primary) with the balance of Chinese and English, and many many more.....  


原帖由 Harebellv 於 09-12-1 20:25 發表
Hi iantsang

I always read your posts regarding the kindergarten
research, they're useful!

I live in TY too.  Can you tell me the nanny bus fee between TY and SHCK as I'm perparing education budget f ...

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發表於 09-12-2 09:20 |顯示全部帖子
Hi lovelypooh,

My daughter is in kindergarten section.

Concerning primary section, there are actually two schools in the same campus.

SHCSPS (Sacred Heart Canossian School (Private Section)) is a private primary school (always been) and its school hour is in the morning.  So we usually refer to it as AM section.

SHCS (Sacred Heart Canossian School) is gov't subsidized and its school hour for P1-P4 is in the afternoon, while P5-6 is whole day.  We usually refer to it as PM section.

原帖由 lovelypooh 於 09-12-1 21:30 發表
I read their website.  It seems that am section is not a subsidized school.  
Moreover, they provide whole day school for primary 5 and 6 only.  Is the information correct?
Which section is your girl  ...

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發表於 09-12-2 09:29 |顯示全部帖子
Hi eggmama,

From HK/Central station, then you can take no.12 underneath Exchange Square at the bus terminal there (Stop No. 2) and get off at  宏基國際賓館(Stop No. 13).


No. 3B is good for leaving the school and can get off at landmark.  Alternatively, No. 12 can also take you to Pedder Street near Central MTR station.

原帖由 eggmama 於 09-12-2 07:22 發表
May  I know what bus or mini bus can travel to SH from HK/Central MTR station? 12 & 3B have stations near MTR station? Thx

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發表於 09-12-2 10:22 |顯示全部帖子
If c-section is in the afternoon then should be ok.  

Poor daddy need to wake up early to line up early!

All the best!

原帖由 jb-bb 於 09-12-2 09:20 發表

c-section 時間是下午, 但要早上入院準備, 咁所以我想 daddy 早點交完表那便可以在醫院 meet.

如果call 學校我怕他們說"那便星期六交", 但我又好難同佢地講出要in 其他學校.

唯有辛苦 daddy 了, 由於今年每間學 ...
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