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報30間幼稚園多唔多? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-5-20 13:13 |顯示全部帖子
First of all, July born is not consider small B except for very very few kindergartens' consideration (e.g. SPK)

I think the problem is not whether applying for 30 kindergarten is too much.  The parents can certainly apply so many if they have the time to prepare all the materials and fill up so many application forms (and line up to return the form for some kindergartens).  It is not a bad exercise if time is allowed.

You won't be able to attend all of the interviews though, and my advice is don't even think of doing so.  A lot of interviews are concentrated in weekends of November and December.  So, interview time will crash for certain and personally I don't enjoy attending more than 1 interview per day.  So, applying more is fine, but my recommendation is to focus on interviewing only to the amount that the whole family can accept, physically and mentally.

原帖由 9284 於 10-5-20 13:01 發表
九成都係明校, 因為想漁翁撤網, 仲未計其他8間半紅不黑果d, 我唸總有一間收阿囡掛? 因為佢係細囡, 七月出世, 仲係超慢熱型, 有d怕佢無人收, 我會不會誇張左d呢 ...

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發表於 10-5-20 14:43 |顯示全部帖子
I can understand you are trying to do the best for your child.  But don't put all the hope for the future on just one or two thing.  Kindergarten is just part of the beginning of a very long road.  There are rooms for changes.

My assumption of you applying for so many, is that you would like to take more time to consider which kindergartens are suitable for your child.  Applying more is a way to protect your chance for interviews, but doesn't mean you should interview them all.  MORE DOESN'T MEAN BETTER.  Hope you understand what I mean.


原帖由 9284 於 10-5-20 14:36 發表
而家講緊佢一世人o既將來, 辛苦2-3個月, 都唔係太過份o者

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發表於 10-5-20 15:56 |顯示全部帖子
Don't underestimate the process of filling up the application forms.  Some kindergartens will ask you to answer questions as parents on your expectations and such.  So, this will be used for considerations.

I guess you have started a controversial topic (not in a negative way), it is quite an interesting topic.  I remember couple years ago I told other parents I applied for 10 kindergartens, many people already think it is too much.  But now obviously people have higher tolerance!

At the end, interviews can be treated differently without too much pressure, if both the parents and the child are capable to handle it well.  I used to advise parents that no need to prepare for interviews and should only let the family to visit the environment and "feel" it.  However, there are preparations for parents since you are adult only so "good" answers are expected so you need to research if you wanna give a "correct" answer.  Personally I also think it should be answered naturally, since even you can tell a good answer and get admitted, probably you won't like the kindergarten at the end if you didn't tell it from your heart.

If you have time to fill the forms at work, then do so and save the time to play with your daughter to help her development.  Treat the interviews as simply going out or visiting a park, really no need to have pressure and just enjoy it.  You will be amazed that actually you would find the answer of which kindergarten your daughter and the parents would like the most.  Trust your feelings, not your brain ;)  Basically kindergartens interviews are never a process to really test how much a kid know, but to observe their behavior and reactions only.  But remember, parents' time is always important to a child's development.

I wish you good luck!


p.s. if have time at work, try to find some time and try to research the past interview dates of some of the kindergartens you like.  I used this method back then and so I basically rule out some kindergartens at that stage if interview time will crash.

原帖由 9284 於 10-5-20 14:42 發表
本身我返緊果份工唔係太忙, 所以填form交表呢d根本都唔係問題, 而且間間kg來來去去都係叫係copy果幾樣野, 完成一份app form根本唔需要好多時間

反而我仲擔心撞期, 我就係驚, 所以先要報多幾間


[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 10-5-20 16:03 編輯 ]

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發表於 10-5-20 16:01 |顯示全部帖子
Agree, this is true.  There are really a lot of unexpected things can happen.

But like yaulinda said, don't hold the seats too long.  Usually this is why many kids have no places, because some kids can be accepted by so many, and hold many places until August.

原帖由 yaulinda 於 10-5-20 15:14 發表
一定要好心盡快放返D位出來啊 ...

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發表於 10-5-20 16:05 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 sheffield 於 10-5-20 16:02 發表

今天考唔到名校幼稚園的小朋友將來也可以是一條龍,今天讀名校幼稚園 ...

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發表於 10-5-20 17:11 |顯示全部帖子
Nicole123, your is a boy mar so not relevant to you.   She is talking about SPCDN.

原帖由 NICOLE123 於 10-5-20 17:05 發表


[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 10-5-20 17:13 編輯 ]

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發表於 10-5-20 17:16 |顯示全部帖子
net 12 should be even better, three good girl schools to choose (Need to start thinking single gender or co-ed).  net 34 has Heep Yunn, St. Rose of Lima's and some good gov't schools.

basically address shouldn't affect kindergarten officially.  But some kindergartens do consider it.

原帖由 9284 於 10-5-20 17:12 發表
41我就知多名校, 34有咩名校呢? 請指教 !! 報k1都有影響o既咩?

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發表於 10-5-20 17:18 |顯示全部帖子
same for SPN and SPK

原帖由 NICOLE123 於 10-5-20 17:12 發表

呢間我仔都有報有考. 問題係大埔呢間唔會直上港島st paul

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發表於 10-5-20 17:20 |顯示全部帖子
haha, you never know.  There will be cheaper flats in island side but don't have comparable environment jei.

原帖由 NICOLE123 於 10-5-20 17:17 發表

你岩..因為我買唔起港島樓所以無考慮到net 11 同 net 12

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發表於 10-5-20 22:28 |顯示全部帖子
haha, actually I also didn't do any of those she mentioned.  But surely I know, and have come across tons of similar situations.

Nowadays, many people would think as they have done so much, at least some return should be given.  However, would you ever think either (1) your efforts are not enough; (2) you have put your efforts in the wrong way?

Just like nicole123 said, there are just so few seats available, have you ever thought what you have done is special and unique?  Let me tell you this, when I thought I need the popular girls' kindergarten with the same Catholic group as you mentioned for backup, I spent 2 years to do volunteer work and establish good relationships so that I can easily secure a seat thru connection.  Have you thought of doing that and would you spent so much time and efforts for your child?  It is not impossible  but talking about so much commitments for a long period of time.  But even having done so much, that only give you a better chance. Of course at the end, I didn't choose that kindergarten.  Because I wouldn't want my daughter to be studying unless I have no other good choices.  This is just to share with you so you could know what more can you do next time.  There is still a long road ahead.

Anyway, sorry if my tone is being a bit harsh since I also agree with other parents that I don't find borrow address is a right thing to do.  But I do hope you would understand, if you don't get what you want, may be it is only because you haven't tried enough.  So may be try look positive and try harder next time.

For your information, 2 years ago when my daughter applied for kindergartens, I took 3 full months off to surf the internet and do it 'til 3 - 4 am every night to learn the necessary information.


原帖由 B.BB 於 10-5-20 17:45 發表

我想信好多人都有做齊,但收o左o個 d 又未必有做到。

我估 nicole 同 ian 都會贊成呢點

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 10-5-20 23:06 編輯 ]

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發表於 10-5-20 23:12 |顯示全部帖子
Having heard you said that, then I am a bit worried since this would mean you have read too much.  Is there anyone else who can help you out?

Since you mention you tend to look at things the negative way, may be you should be careful.

Good luck to you!


原帖由 9284 於 10-5-20 17:42 發表
借問聲你個小朋友入左咩學校呢最後? 我而家日日都上網睇bk的幼稚園 & 幼兒園版, 睇到咩都熟哂/純哂, 仲有小小神經衰弱, 搭親地鐵見到有小朋友著住校服, 都會望一望件校服個logo, 自己都有小小驚左自己


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發表於 10-5-20 23:29 |顯示全部帖子
haha, really?  Then I must apologize for being so naive!

Actually I rather let the kindergarten choose who they believe is suitable studying there, than packaging ourselves to suit their needs during interview.  Because interview is just one thing, but putting your child into a place which may not fit them after all, then may not be so good lor.  Again, may be I am just too naive!  

原帖由 yaulinda 於 10-5-20 23:14 發表

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發表於 10-5-20 23:33 |顯示全部帖子
I assume one-dragon kinder with private primary would find it unnecessary.

What you have described would make sense for those kindergartens which like to put on pretty allocation results (but usually with so many popular aided primary schools in those good nets).  They wanna show a good result for marketing mar.

原帖由 NICOLE123 於 10-5-20 23:25 發表


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發表於 10-5-20 23:42 |顯示全部帖子
Long time no see!!!  I hope everything are well with you!  Fanling?  Current students or coming year?  If current year then I know who it is.

Yes, because SH doesn't care the address, and many other things too......  even connections cannot guarantee a seat in the first round.

原帖由 elmolly 於 10-5-20 23:39 發表

yes, a friend of mine living in fanling, they got offer from SH too.

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 10-5-20 23:49 編輯 ]

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發表於 10-5-20 23:47 |顯示全部帖子
I am sure you must have done a very good job teaching your son.  He is lucky to have you as his mother too!

Agree kindergartens are not looking for smart kids (smart kids cause trouble).  Children that can well behaved and with good manners are most welcomed, these show the parents have also taught them very well, just like nicole123 have done!  This don't come easy and must come from hardwork of parents.

原帖由 NICOLE123 於 10-5-20 23:38 發表

靠家長/屋企平時既努力,靠小朋友本身既性格 (唔係實力)
我無上面試班. 無咩特別TRAIN小朋友.好多野都係平時身教番黎. 我小朋友唔係特別叻.而且我可以SURE 學校唔係要收叻既小朋友 (朋友個仔係資優生最後都係無一間 ...

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發表於 10-5-21 00:11 |顯示全部帖子
haha, are you teasing me?

What  I have done is really not important, because in parenthood, you can never done enough.

Hope 9284 can find useful information from our irrelevant chats for her to handle the upcoming applications lar!

原帖由 NICOLE123 於 10-5-20 23:51 發表

真係忍唔住要讚下你, 真係好鬼欣賞你.有厚道又大方.  

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發表於 10-5-21 00:35 |顯示全部帖子
May be next year this time, you are asking those "how to rank" or "compare A, B, C, etc..." questions for all 30 kindergartens lei   It could be painful to choose too!  But the important is you have tried your best and that stays with you, and your daughter.  What kindergarten she attends is not who she is, but every efforts from her mother will!

Are we starting another topic?  I need to get my wife to answer you since she is the one who sacrifice her career to take care of the children.  Should salute to all full time mom as what they have done is the ultimate sacrifice.  But that's exactly what the children need.

原帖由 9284 於 10-5-21 00:24 發表

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發表於 10-5-21 00:41 |顯示全部帖子

May be that's the training God has path the way for your daughter, so she can have more academic training and contribute to the society lei.


原帖由 elmolly 於 10-5-21 00:12 發表

唔好咁講, 真係好彩舊年都好落力報pn, 如果唔係

老實講, 而家邊個父母唔想仔女入一條龍學校, 最後仲要係名校連中學果種, 同我而家間pn, 係真係兩回事. 我其實prefer一d著重品德培養既學校instead of acade ...

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發表於 10-5-21 00:53 |顯示全部帖子
Good point, this need to be considered too.

原帖由 twinsstar 於 10-5-21 00:36 發表
may not ge ... depends on what you value more.

However, if you're a "stressful" kind of parent (I mean in the area of parenting), you better keep your job as the more you focus on your kid, the more ...

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發表於 10-5-24 13:11 |顯示全部帖子
I agree with Christi.  The choice of your words is quite offensive and this sets a bad example.
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