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報讀小一程度指教 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-8-31 16:05 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 11-8-31 10:17 發表
都唔係咁講架, 呢2年, 聖心, 跑馬地聖保祿, 都有15分入, 當然"中獎"係屬非常好彩啦
因為區內太多好學校, 好多人都"哄"住去報果1,2間超名校, 所以至有呢D機會呢

I don't have that info for SPPCS, but for SHCS, last year only less than 5% are 15 points.  So don't suggest to take the risk and wasted the chance in coming year as birth rate has continue to rise.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-9-1 00:11 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 11-8-31 23:07 發表
我都講左非常好彩至會有機會中獎, 但起碼叫有個機會
如果拎住15分去申請間無望既學校, 就真係waste the chance喇 (例如assume幾間都ok但唔知訂, 拎住15分唔搏聖心走去搏ssg, 又或者唔搏st francis走去搏marymount,  ...

What I meant to say is as someone who got only 15 points, I have been following the three girls' schools very closely in the past 4 years, namely SHCS, SFCS and SPPCS.  Since they are the ones which we know there are 15 points being admitted.  So I didn't say you are wrong bor!  

But there is a trend that we can predict based on the number of 15 points being accepted each year.  Obviously it is going downwards year by year and according to the information I have, SHCS will have the highest chance to have no 15 points being accepted this year.

I do foresee it will also happen to the other two in the coming years.  May be the other two are in the same net physically (even though not related to the net since we are talking about DP) so probably they share the load a bit and delay this.  Somehow there are just so many Catholics applying for schools lately......

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-9-1 10:37 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 11-9-1 09:52 發表
呢幾年申請小學競爭越黎越激烈(多得中學縮班個個又PANIC), 真係好得人驚

don't wanna start a panic but that is exactly what I feel when I learn this news.  I didn't expect SHCS to have such situation so soon as they have 5 classes with more seats available!
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