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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 想請教嘉諾撒聖心會收超大女嗎
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想請教嘉諾撒聖心會收超大女嗎 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-9-17 10:24 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 小山竹 於 11-9-15 10:14 發表
小女 08OCT出生, 想請教嘉諾撒聖心會收超大女嗎?
另外, 我們家住紅磡, 會有校車嗎?

Sorry for the late reply as I have been very busy lately.

As I mentioned before, I don't remember exactly the earliest allowed age limit is, it was either October or November of the previous year.  The best thing to do, is just to call the office and check!

There are NO school buses in Hung Hom, but as I know there is a private nanny bus.

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發表於 11-9-17 10:32 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 stinkyrabbit111 於 11-9-17 07:49 發表
what year and what month is your child born in? as mentioned above, if you had applied last year, and IF your child was born early Dec, you would had given equal chance as others..

for my case and m ...

I do agree that if for a October-born, probably it is a better idea to try to 插班, rather than re-applying.

For the cases of super-big B, it seems there are a bit more this year than before, but mainly December-born.

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發表於 11-9-20 09:53 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 小山竹 於 11-9-18 13:52 發表

只是小女在10月出生, 發展不快不慢, 其實我知道她一定跟得上一般幼稚園的進程, 只是害怕現在出生率越來越高, 要是不REPEAT, 三年後考直資/私校都不容易.

有怕大抽獎 ...

Thanks a lot for agreeing with my thinking!  However,  the key in my thinking is that we, as parents, can be in control on our kids' development, rather than simply chasing the standard set by others.  All children are different, and they should deserved to be treated differently.

As for the case of SHCK, I must stress one point.  As parents all we know is from observation there are less super big Bs.  It doesn't necessary mean this is how the kindergarten select students.  To be honest, what we missed is very likely that those super big B and big B have other options so they selected not to attend this kindergarten.  It may well be the case as you know there are certain kindergartens that have such preference.

So, let's not jump into any conclusions here.  As long as your kids are allowed to apply, then your kid will be treated fairly.  It is not necessary the same treatment that you will receive from different kindergartens.

By the way, so far SH two primary schools still able to accept all their own kindergarten students (who wanna return) before school start.  There has been some changes in admission policy so some students will get admit first and some later, simply due to the limited space only.

Finally good luck and all the best!


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發表於 11-9-20 12:14 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 angel_laam 於 11-9-20 11:54 發表
甘我好想問下, 我囡囡係08christmas BB, 可唔可以同時APPLY K1 & K2 插班架呢?

I think you are asking a question not a parent can answer you.  Make an inquiry to the office if you intend to do so.  

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發表於 11-9-20 14:48 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 angel_laam 於 11-9-20 13:07 發表
我都係隨口問, 想睇下你有無聽過有家長甘做, 我都會打去學校問下,THX!IAN

hehe, I also just reply you causally only!

So far being here in BK for the past 3 years, you happen to the first parent to be so creative and asked me about this!  So, no I haven't heard of any cases like this before.
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