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樓主: iantsang

全新2013-14一條龍幼稚園->小學->中學名單     [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-1-14 12:50 |顯示全部帖子
spmok1999 發表於 12-1-14 12:08
回復 iantsang 的帖子

我覺得網頁顯示的數字不正確, 我阿女現就讀k2全日班, 係有一個人名表的, 全日班(16 ...
Thanks again for the additional information!

Anyway I have updated the number last night according to your input!  

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發表於 12-2-9 19:30 |顯示全部帖子
CH007 發表於 12-2-1 13:41
Dear iantsang,
My son is accepted by 聖三一堂曾肇添幼稚園 as K1 pm student on 2012 September.   Now  ...
Sorry that I have been sick for quite a few days so late to reply.

From what I know, they would give priority to students of the two Holy Trinity kindergartens so the chance to be admitted to the private primary school should be high.  It is always recommend to check with the school directly if you are seriously interested.

I know their private primary school has been running small class for years and seems the feedback is positive.

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發表於 12-2-14 21:01 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 iantsang 於 12-2-14 21:01 編輯

Hi anniewcy,

Basically you have heard there are lesser and lesser kindergartens which will mention they are running 活動教學 nowadays (compare to say 10 years ago).  There was a time when most primary schools will make the transition for 活動教學 to early primary school years.  However, everyone know and realize it simply doesn't work so this is why these primary schools are switching back to traditional.

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發表於 12-2-21 00:21 |顯示全部帖子
felmic 發表於 12-2-20 23:18
Hi Ian, I am a new mama with a son at 15 months. i am looking for kinder info right now. I am intere ...
Hi felmic,

I think these two are both good kindergartens, while Pui Ching is a very popular choice but there will be more seats.  For Holy Trinity, the competition will still be high as they don't have many seats available.  For Pui Ching, admission to their primary school is guarantee provided that you are willing to give up lucky draw.  For Holy Trinity, as I know they do give preference to their own kinder students so it should also be safe.

Concerning the timing for application, for Pui Ching, you have no choices but to be super big B since their application age range is different from most kinder.  So, your son will need to be 3 by the time he starts K1.  I will suggest you to try Holy Trinity first.


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發表於 12-3-16 02:44 |顯示全部帖子
笨豬jump 發表於 12-3-13 18:26
回復 iantsang 的帖子

I can't download your excel file, would you please sent it to me?  (Note: It i ...
I just tried the download and there are no issues, you can try it again.  Anyway, I have sent you the file for your reference.

For your personal safety, it is not advised to leave email address in a post.  Thanks for your kind cooperation.

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發表於 12-3-21 02:41 |顯示全部帖子
nlj1216 發表於 12-3-20 22:07
What about Precious Blood?  Its' not one dragon?
It's not.  PB's primary school is gov't aided so the admission is thru EDB's allocation system, which is not affected by being their kindergarten students.

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發表於 12-3-24 22:04 |顯示全部帖子
hoswallowman 發表於 12-3-24 01:36
Hello Ian,
I got many useful information from your blog. I worried so much to choose a right PN for  ...
Hi Hoswallowman,

I hope it is not because reading my information that caused you to be worried!

Concerning your questions, personally I support attending pn nearby and it shouldn't affect your chances to apply for KV.  However, you need to be aware both HKPS and St. Cat have their own PN so certainly those students would have been preferred.  Somehow, many kindergartens have extended their acceptance to earlier years.

For the primary schools you stated as example, students can be from everywhere so don't be biased.

Good luck!


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發表於 12-3-27 02:02 |顯示全部帖子
summother 發表於 12-3-26 11:34
Hello Ian,

My daughter has two offers (Our Lady and St. Nicolas.) for K1 only. My target is 宣道pr ...
Hi summother,

You got me thinking for a while since Our Lady's and St. Nicolas are very different kindergartens.  Just put aside whether Our Lady's could provide any backups (as it is no longer a strong backup as more and more applicants for their primary school lately), what would like your daughter to gain thru kindergarten years?

Obviously St. Nicolas would provide a good environment for English language training but it wouldn't be the key element of preparation for Alliance Primary School.  Our Lady's would be a more happy learning environment with vouchers, a Catholic environment while Alliance is Christian......


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發表於 12-3-27 20:21 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 iantsang 於 12-3-27 20:21 編輯

回復 summother 的帖子

Hi Summother,

If that's the case, then I guess I would rather suggest you to consider Our Lady's.  The additional courses to enroll should be considered sufficient.

Which month is your daughter born?  It is always an option to try again next year but it would be a better idea to enroll in K1 this year.  I have stated the reasons and some further discussions here:



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發表於 12-3-30 10:49 |顯示全部帖子
summother 發表於 12-3-29 10:00
回復 iantsang 的帖子

My daughter was born on Sep 2009.
It is still too soon to tell honestly.  They have been PROPOSED to cancel but whether it will eventually proceed, no ones would know for sure (as they postponed once last time).  I believe by first half of next year there will be a clearer picture.  Hope it won't be cancelled.

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發表於 12-3-30 16:32 |顯示全部帖子
October 發表於 12-3-29 17:04

你好, 我細仔其實只有9個多月大, 但因經過大囡的經歷, 我想為細仔找一所由N1/K1到中學也能容易 ...
As I have reminded parents through various channels, the current system of 直屬 and 聯繫 will only be still effective for students entering P1 in 2015.  Whether such system will still be valid for few more years or will there be any changes, I really have no information now.

Since your child is still young, my suggestion is to wait until early next year to see the next updates.  Good luck!


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發表於 12-4-13 18:46 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 iantsang 於 12-4-13 20:55 編輯



manmanchubb  hello~ ian, The link can't be display,Thx  發表於 12-4-15 15:24

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發表於 12-4-26 13:10 |顯示全部帖子
wittymom 發表於 12-4-25 10:56
Dear Ian Sir,

I read your various threads and know you are really an expert in kindergartens and pr ...
Hi wittymom,

   Thanks for the compliment but really I am just a regular parent like yourself and everyone else.

    Concerning your son's case, if purely based on your description, I would consider Creative a mis-match for him (and probably SPC couldn't do the job like for your daughter).  Sometimes as parents we made a subjective decision of whether we intend to push them or not.  But from a child's point of view, it is how we help them to develop their potential and in fact, some kids would enjoy the "push" as they can realize their potential and gain satisfaction and confidence through the process.  Do you think your son is this type?  It will be difficult for me to make such recommendation under this circumstances, but my intention is to share if there are other options available for him.

     I would suggest you to try to look for a slightly more demanding curriculum for him in K2.  Bare in mind as Creative's style is more inspiration hence less courseworks requirement, you will need to pay attention to the transition too.  My immediate advice is to utilize some outside classes to observe and understand his need before you make the call for the change of kindergarten.  If he is indeed the type who like (and need) the push, then you can find out with less risk initially.

Hope this help you, good luck!


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發表於 12-5-4 14:04 |顯示全部帖子
littlecheuk 發表於 12-4-25 11:42
Dear Ian Sir

I have read lots of your post on BK and you have given your very valuable advices to a ...
Hi littlecheuk,

I am sorry but for the past couple times that I was trying to reply your message, something pops up and I was not able to reply you.

First of all, let me assume I understand you correctly that by "traditional schools" you mean "gov't aided traditional schools", right?  If that's the case, neither St. Cat nor Munsang could help you much on increasing the chance since it is pretty much rely on the points you have or the area you live.  At the end, luck will be a key factor too.

If the above is true, then you have to go for St. Cat. to keep your options open.  I have trust in your daughter that she would have the potential to do well in the P1 interview and can find other traditional private schools.  To be honest, if you are satisfy with Munsang already, you wouldn't have this concern to ask me.  So isn't yourself answered your question already?

Good luck to you!


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發表於 12-5-4 14:07 |顯示全部帖子
wittymom 發表於 12-4-26 17:08
Thank you, Ian Sir,

You are truly an experiecnced parent and expert as you really understand my sit ...
Sorry wittymom for the late reply.  I was totally occupied with some personal business in the past couple weeks and unable to sit down and reply you.

For the list of kindergartens you proposed, I have no comments on Raimondi as it is just new, I may suggest that Kay Yan and St. Paul's Church may not provide what you are looking for.  But certainly you can try first nonetheless.

Usually I would suggest interest of a more general nature rather than specific.  At the end, you wanna give your son a solid foundation and not just a quick achievement.  So, no need to be too strategic and he can have the room to enjoy and explore.


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發表於 12-5-9 23:07 |顯示全部帖子
wittymom 發表於 12-5-8 14:46
Thank you, Ian Sir,

Is it that St. Paul Church and Kau Yan are not the kind of kgs that afford a mo ...
oh sorry, I thought you were looking for a bigger challenge so I relate that to a more demanding curriculum.  Inspirational would normally translate to a more relax and lay back style which often time is difficult to provide significant challenges to a kid.  Of course, it can vary among kids which take more detail assessment.

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發表於 12-5-9 23:09 |顯示全部帖子
littlecheuk 發表於 12-5-8 16:33
Many thanks, Ian.

Do you know anything or have any comments on SC and MS? Just want to know more ab ...
Most of my knowledge about these two kindergartens are from comments here in BK.  I don't have too much subjective encounters to further add to that.  

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發表於 12-5-15 06:07 |顯示全部帖子
little_kid 發表於 12-5-14 13:28
Dear Ian,

Dear little_kid,

I think True Light (Caine Road) should be quite suitable for your daughter considering her character.  However, I don't think they have heavy emphasis on discipline but on a more moderate level.


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發表於 12-5-15 06:08 |顯示全部帖子
ksorange 發表於 12-5-14 14:18
May I have more information about HKBUK, is it related to WKF?
Hi ksorange,

I barely remember years ago some parents mentioned that they give certain preferences to HKBUK students in WKF.  They are somehow related but not a direct linkage.


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發表於 12-5-15 06:13 |顯示全部帖子
atsai 發表於 12-5-14 17:56
Dear Ian,
Do you have any comment about victoria kornhill or SHK kindergarten? My target for my girl ...
Dear atsai,

It's a bit difficult to answer your questions since SKH has just withdraw from being voucher-receiving so there could be some changes in their curriculum and even teaching style.  Victoria's style is slightly leaning toward more on their own primary school direction so I might have a slight preference on SKH.  However, it is always difficult to comment over many DSS schools, as they are different in style too.  So, a more clear direction may probably be needed before a decision can be made.

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