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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 請問德望,St. Paul,培正边間好? 是否大家是優先上小學/ ...
樓主: mcki

請問德望,St. Paul,培正边間好? 是否大家是優先上小學/一條龍? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-11-27 00:11 |顯示全部帖子
德望 --> 一條龍上小學, according to speech of the principal (to be confirmed)
St. Paul  --> only 優先上小學, not 一條龍 guarantee
培正 --> confirm 一條龍上小學 (will be stated on acceptance letter)

Which one is better?  The three are different so better ask yourself what you want for your children before considering which one is better.  

原帖由 mcki 於 09-11-26 16:11 發表

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發表於 09-11-29 22:08 |顯示全部帖子
I think the actual competitive advantage of a spk student will probably be the higher chance to be admitted to SPCS (Primary).  They support relax way of teaching in kinder so most of the "other advantages" are learned outside of kindergarten.

原帖由 CattyMeow 於 09-11-27 12:36 發表
Just wanna to know what is competitive advantage in terms of  Academic/Music/PE of St Paul to others???  One important thing to consider: St Paul is in Causeway Bay which is tempative to girls.  Nowad ...

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發表於 09-11-30 23:46 |顯示全部帖子
Hi angelacyn,

I think they don't have to be contradictory but consider the limited number of kindergartens which can offer through train, then it is simply because all of them do not put English proficiency as priority.  A point which parents should think more deeply as in why they don't put emphasis on English.

Personally, I never put English training as priority in kindergarten training since English is just a language skill.  Parents nowadays are overwhelmed by peers and sales representatives from language learning tools/ programs of how good to learn languages in the early ages.  I don't oppose to those research results, but it is how you interpret these results.  Moreover, English is a very simple language and that's why it is so common.  If the early age is suitable for language learning, I would rather put my child to learn something more difficult (e.g. Latin, maybe )

Anyway, above is just my personal comment and feelings towards the current market trend of child education.

Back to your list of kindergartens, I agree with all the points you have given for the four kindergartens and can tell you have done your homework.  However, selection of kindergarten should be based on personal preference.  For instance, if you have strong preference on English proficiency, then out of these four St. Johannes should probably be the choice.  I understand this is a tough choice for parents so that's why I chose Sacred Heart, the one which may not be the best in a specific area, but providing me an environment which gave the children good training but maintain balance over many many areas.  So, I don't need to worry about making a wrong choice and can let the child to develop their skills in better balance and identify their strengths later, rather than forcing them to walk the path the parents have chosen.

I hope this help you and many parents on their selection of kindergarten.


原帖由 angelacyn 於 09-11-30 01:31 發表
Hi Ian,

Enjoyed vy much reading yr posts and blog, i believe many parents find their direction and even answer after reading them.  To me, i'm still struggling between "through-train" and "English pr ...

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發表於 09-12-1 15:56 |顯示全部帖子
yes, you are right.  It could be very painful.  Last year I have lost sleep many nights thinking about it so this year I would really want to help parents to hopefully make it easier.  Good luck to you!

原帖由 angelacyn 於 09-12-1 13:50 發表
Hi Ian,

Thanks for your comments.  Yes, you're correct, I'm afraid i have to list out all the things, prioritize them and then just go for it without further hesitation. The KG selection process (app ...

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發表於 09-12-3 23:33 |顯示全部帖子
I am reluctant to say what I gonna say but sincerely I have a little bit of trouble accepting the fact that a kindergarten is good because it is relax and let the kids have fun there, while the parents having paid the tuition for the kinder, then needing to pay for more courses outside of the kindergarten and the knowledge gained through these courses are then being said as the strength of the kindergarten itself?  If that's the case, then can we just skip the kindergarten and just take these courses and will the result be the same?  It seems like a pretty simple math question of 0 +1 = 1 so 1= 1, right?

Moreover, please be considerate to parents and stop mis-lead those who have very little time to do research and are really coming to bk and look for advices.  "Through-train" means 100%, there are no such thing as semi-through train.  Step into the shoes of those helpless parents who having read your comments and believe there are just a few who couldn't be admitted to primary school and never got themselves prepared.  Feel joyful for 2 years after being accepted and then all the sudden, 'I'm sorry, but your daughter can't be admitted for no reasons.'  I believe most of the people here are all caring parents so we should all looking after each other and be careful with the comments.

As a school, I don't think this is fundamentally correct as an educator should do, and that's already a mistake.

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-12-3 23:36 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-12-5 07:46 |顯示全部帖子
Pui Ching is one of the example which stated clearly ALL KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS WILL BE GUARANTEED a seat to their primary school, at the moment you received their acceptance letter and PRINTED CLEARLY on it.  This reflects they believe in their way of teaching and education was done inside the kindergarten so it can guarantee the quality of their own students to the primary section.

There are a few more kindergartens which would make verbal commitment but since it is just verbal, I don't use them as an example here.

By the way, Sacred Heart is not one of the three schools as compared in this thread, why was it being mentioned?  

原帖由 rickoricko 於 09-12-4 23:33 發表

No schoolwill guarantee its students having through-train unless they work hard and havegood conduct during every school year.  

In the event that they have academic or conduct problem, every schoo ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-12-5 07:58 編輯 ]

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發表於 09-12-6 00:59 |顯示全部帖子
hehe, just for the record, I never mentioned which kindergarten I was referring to bor!  Why being so sensitive too?

Anyway, choice of kindergarten is very personal.  As everyone has different expectations, so asking others which kindergarten is better would probably be not very helpful.

I think this ends my comments here in this thread too.  Need to be busy with something more constructive!  Chao!

原帖由 mrnosey 於 09-12-5 22:23 發表
其實好多做家長的都會把學術上的學習放上好重的位置, 一講到  relax and having fun 就會話比佐學費, 點解仲要出面補, 學生叻就不相信學校有功勞... ??? 好奇怪的想法. 我唸其實這種想法實在不太理解學校的教育理念. ...
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