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教育王國 討論區 根德園幼稚園 KV - WAITING LIST 有消息啦...

KV - WAITING LIST 有消息啦... [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-3-14 11:53 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 KELLYCHONG 於 11-3-14 11:43 發表
今早KV 打來收我個女啦....

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發表於 11-3-15 22:44 |顯示全部帖子
If you do like to transfer to am in SHCK, just keep trying and be patience.  Often times this will happen in very last minute (have seen some cases even just before school starts in September).  Just don't give up!

As can see this year quite a number of cases with both spk and shck offers so there should be many seats to be released at a later time.  I am sure there will be some am cases.  Good luck!

原帖由 vlui55 於 11-3-15 20:00 發表
the best offer we got for my girl is SH pm and KV am, and definitely we keen on SH!!! but...in fact, i really want her to go to am session instead, wonder what can i do for my girl???? do you have any ...

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發表於 11-3-15 23:35 |顯示全部帖子
I am sorry but I really have no experience in this particular area, and wouldn't be appropriate to ask those parents who have successfully done so too much.

Why don't you create a thread in SHCK forum and ask other parents there?  I am sure they would love to help you!

Again, good luck!

p.s. Since SHCK's curriculum is quite rich, it is never a bad idea to consider their pm classes.  I really mean this sincerely.  The time spent in the kindergarten will be like 4 hours, plus school bus time, it could be quite tiring.

原帖由 vlui55 於 11-3-15 22:58 發表
Thanks alot Ian, do you mean i should keep trying to write to Sister with a valid reason?.... then..how often should I write the letter? hahhaha...seems so silly but i really have no idea...is it too  ...

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發表於 11-3-15 23:58 |顯示全部帖子
Most SHCK girls don't really need to join so many ECA as other kindergarten students do.....   Of course, this is totally on your own.  Usually just a few and for fun only is enough, unless you have some "special schools" that you are targeting.

Please note 3.5 hours are just school time.  Many kindergartens assume school bus to reach late and students leave early to line up for school bus so although they claim to be 3 hours, the class hours are less than 3.  However, for SHCK, the class hours are actually 3.5 hours and on top of that, there will b lining up time for school buses before and after class.  (By the way, this is KV thread so I don't talk so much about other kindergarten lar!)  

原帖由 vlui55 於 11-3-15 23:45 發表
hahaha..Ian, thank you for your prompt reply and you remind me that I didn't fully utilize the function of BK (that i should raise a thread about the successful case sharing), what a stupid me ;)
You  ...

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發表於 11-3-18 16:27 |顯示全部帖子
Please be reminded that it is not allowed to leave message like "please PM me" or "please email me" on the posts.  You may PM the member directly for information.

Thank you all for your co-operation.

版主 Ian

原帖由 yon0810 於 11-3-18 03:23 發表
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