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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 有無人会放棄co-edu, 選convent???
樓主: liuiris

有無人会放棄co-edu, 選convent??? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-6-21 15:58 |顯示全部帖子
Know they have been calling waiting list since early June.  Good luck!

原帖由 pandamf 於 11-6-21 14:34 發表
May I know when you recieve the call from school about the waiting list offer? Thanks!

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發表於 11-6-22 11:21 |顯示全部帖子
Hi liuiris,

Before the comments become too subjective, let's try to get your problem solved since you will have to make the decision soon.

I don't have any children in neither schools, but my niece is a SPCS student and my close friend's son is in SPCCPS.  So just hope to get your issue resolve with information that I know.

Before we start, your topic is if anyone will give up SPCCPS for SPCS, the answer is yes as had heard such cases before but must admit the fact that these are minority.  This doesn't imply which schools are necessary better, however.

So, based on way you wrote the topic, I assume you would want to let your daughter stays in SPCS.  This is what we should start the discussion.  As a result, you are looking for reasons to give up SPCCPS and stay in SPCS.

I wouldn't wanna get into too much sensitive details while comparing the two.  So the best way is to stay on the surface and simply compare some straight facts.

(1) Whether you aim to have two children study in same school?  If so, financial stability is quite important due to the fact that SPCCPS has much higher tuition costs.  It is not a question whether that is worth or not, but at current stage, we are talking about 2-3 times higher for just one kid.

(2) The two primary have different language policy.  Proficiency in written Chinese is essential in SPCCPS while it is not as much an issue in SPCS.  It has been a culture in SPCS that Chinese has much lower priority compare to English, within their own environment (not comparing to other schools).  So, you need to ask yourself (or your kid) what they are more suitable in, or what as parents you would prefer......

(3) I guess location is another issue.  Undoubtedly, SPCS is so conveniently located in Causeway Bay.  Will that be a concern for SPCCPS?

This is just a few obvious points which may be enough for someone to make a decision.  The most difficult thing is the parents would have pressure to give up SPCCPS, isn't it?  I believe you will need some mental support from the family to achieve that.  Try to discuss this within your family, particularly your daughters.

Sorry that I wouldn't wanna touch on any sensitive topics in public discussions.  Everyone would have their own interpretation and this is simply an invite to arguments often time.  If require, you may PM me for further discussions.  (Other parents please don't post messages like "Pls PM me too" since everyone have different interests so there are no points to share.  Thanks for your understanding)

Good luck!


原帖由 liuiris 於 11-6-21 13:33 發表
有無人会放棄co-edu, 選convent???

co-edu waiting話有位…
convent 己收.

大家姐, 樣樣驚…

$--Co-edu>convent $2000/month?
SPC升K2, 點好?

階級? 我家不富,
no車no樓, 双職父母! ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-6-22 11:44 |顯示全部帖子
Nevertheless, just a friendly reminder.  Please make up your mind soon since I am quite sure many parents will love to pick the seat you eventually released.  You may help many fellow spk parents too (not sure if there are still some spk girls waiting to get SPCS offer this year).  

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-6-27 08:45 |顯示全部帖子
Glad to know that the decision has been made.  Guess the carnival comes in the right time.  It is always good to have such experience before a decision can be made.  Probably this is faith and destiny.

All the best!

原帖由 liuiris 於 11-6-27 04:52 發表

My daughter is not that type of "very smart", no award, no certificate, no special talent...she is 乖乖女型,文靜,聽話那種。She did learn piano, ...
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