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閃咭學習有暗患? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-9 14:35 |顯示全部帖子
I think it depends how you use the cards.

From a research point of view, young children will develop 專注力問題 if they see a lot of flashing (閃來閃去).  This is the same reason why researchers do not recommend babies watching TV, as the TV screen in a baby's brain is a lot of 閃來閃去, even though it is just simple cartoon with a wonderful story time.

I think Montessori is an excellent teaching method, but if you are not flashing the cards a lot, nor forcing them to recognize a lot of things in a short period of time, I don't see why we cannot make good use of the cards.

I simply read the cards to my children, show them what's there, as if I am reading a book to them.  They can hold the cards and enjoy them too.  I never take the flash card approach, so the process can go really slow.  e.g. 5 cards for 5 minutes per day.  I try to do it everyday.  It works well for me, from ages 1 to 5.

After saying all these, my opinion is: Develop the love of reading is the most important 1st step in literacy, no matter you choose to use flash cards or not.  

Once they love reading, everything is possible after a few years, from learning new words, teaching morals, and all other subject areas.

That's my 2 cents.
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