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請問'cool'牙費用   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-15 14:19 |顯示全部帖子
Hello 各位媽咪,

提意你們幫仔女用快箍, 12-14個月完成. 我個仔箍了12個月, 月底便除箍...好緊張 :)

亞仔整個箍牙過程都好easy, 冇痛,冇刮傷,冇影響食慾. 但頭幾個月, 因排牙收緊得很快, 要留意牙箍末端有沒有鐵線突出, 若有, 便要提早覆診, 否則容易刮傷.

因亞仔用的是較新的快箍, 所以唔使落橡筋, 好容易打理, 如果唔係, 亞仔排牙一定唔駛等箍完已經爛曬, 因佢清潔得超"求其".

但係, 方便快捷的代價便是$$. 快箍加透明(箍緊時都想佢靚仔d)要$40k...

要整排牙箍, 可能要待牙齒出齊才開始. 但矯齒有很方式, 要看孩子的問題而做. 我仔要矯正個jaw, 10歲做都比醫生話遲.  我朋友在美國, 她的兒子8歲就已經箍牙了, 效果好好, 現在快15歲了. 但另一友人的女兒都是8/9歲開始箍, 現在13歲卻要翻箍.

Anyway, 與亞仔排牙搏鬥了3年 (2年fix jaw, 1年箍牙), 終於完成了. 看到他由超級無敵勁哨牙, 到現在青靚白淨小白臉, 唉..... 只可講一句 "一切都是$$作怪"...

PS. 我亞仔的矯齒醫生係Causeway Bay禮頓中心, 我估佢價錢唔算平, 但生意極好(almost全部都是學生), 覆診往往都要個幾鐘. 所以要1個月前advance booking, 同埋千其唔好遲到. 禮頓好似得一個矯齒醫生, 佢只做矯齒, 若要脫牙or other dental caring便要到另外牙醫.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-9-16 09:42 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 wenyin 於 10-9-15 16:23 發表
check 過禮頓中心有2個矯齒醫生, 你幫襯那個是男還是女?

噢, 原來唔係得一個... 亞仔睇的是男的.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-25 10:02 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 PoYi 於 10-10-14 16:31 發表
Hi delimama

I think I am using the same specialist as you.  I will choose the quick one and 透明 for my son as well. Is the doctor very good? We have been there once for assessment and will go there ...

Hi PoYi

Sorry for belated response, haven't come here for weeks.

Did you finally choose the quick and translucent brace? The translucent one is only for comestic (as young kids are concern about the appearance), so it is good to have but not a must. But the quick brace is wonderful -- because of the new design, it is much easier for maintenance and cleaning. I think your son will appreciate the quick brace.

As my son had a inward jaw problem, as he had a 2-year jaw fixing treatment before installing the brace. Thus, I have been with this specialist for over 3 years. Though his charge is to the higher end, I am more than satisfied with his professionalism and skill.

I found he is quite open for discussion (but, I felt the opposite in the first few appointments) and willing to address patient's request with solution. As I expressed that I didn't want my son to remove any teeth if possible, he came up with a few alternatives and explained the pos and cons of each of them. Finally, I picked the one without removing any teeth.

Yes, you are right that he has a lot of customers. And I sometimes find it too many especially we visit at after-school hours.

Anyway, wish your son have a happy "bracing" year. BTW, You may want to get some special toothpicks for him to carry around (they always need to clean their teeth after meals). The toothpick is plastic, with one pointed end and the other brush-like. It's called Ofresh Brushpick (http://www.ofresh.biz/brushpick-1.htm), I bought it from Watson's.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-2 16:20 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 jkling 於 10-11-1 18:38 發表
Dear Delimama,

可否 pm 你的牙醫名給我? 因我想用你的快箍方法, 但我驚搵錯醫生....
我的女兒明年要出外讀書, 請問你的仔仔要隔幾耐檢查或調整一次? 我希望可以用快箍方法嚟趕得切做好開頭的程序. 唔洗咁擔心.

hi jkling,

Have sent info through PM, please check.
I think we need to visit the specialist once a month for progress monitoring. If I'm not mistaken, it is even more frequent at the begining of the treatment.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-1-11 17:24 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 nikotyk 於 11-1-4 09:56 發表
我仔仔除了箍牙還有撟正倒及牙(兜下巴)已成功完成,整個過程都有6年多,他完全冇抗拒,佢係4歲時被我既牙医發現,幸好她推介了銅鑼灣既矯形牙医陳x廣,現在除了外形,咬牙发音好正,由其英文發音. ...

poorbelly & win123,
Sorry, 好耐無上BK... 剛send了矯齒醫生資料, 請check PM.
我說的矯齒醫生, 便是nikotyk所指的陳醫生. 相信他的費用屬中高, 但確是很專業.
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