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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 有意或將會入讀九龍塘朗思Think International School) ...
樓主: chupatmommy

有意或將會入讀九龍塘朗思Think International School)請注意 [複製鏈接]

發表於 09-8-26 23:54 |顯示全部帖子
Is it really so different between its international and local section? My experience in Think was quite different.

My son was admitted to LC N1 in the 2nd term last year and may be because he was a new comer,  his class teacher called me every school day to report his progress to me for a month. Afterwards, she did call me twice every month.

We also received 4 "progress assessment" already in the 2nd term, telling me his progress in different areas e.g. Chi, arts, english, basically on the skills and concepts they learnt at school and I did went to a parent-teacher meeting also.

Also .. as mentioned by Pollybell, in the parent's newsletter, they did have around 18 students got admitted to ESF international schools, RC etc and just 2 went to THINK Primary ,,,,

Don't scare me la .. I gave up a rather famous KG and let my son continue his K1 there cos he really loves school and has significant progress too ...

發表於 10-9-6 23:08 |顯示全部帖子
this is very true!

I really don't understand why this post will appear again a year later .... I had left comment a year ago.

As a THINK parent, I totally understand how Petra feels. The messages that somebody left are truly anger-provoking, unfair and biased. Sometimes I think it is her attitudes and wordings rather than the content that trigger more arguments here in BK. May be she's doing the same to all the schools and people she dislikes?!

To me, the school isn't perfect and famous but I have never experienced the "bad" things she mentioned in various posts so far. At least THINK attracts me (and my son) to stay and gave up offers from some famous KG in Kln Tong areas.

If you happen to view her previous threads, you could probably find out that whenever she had chances (whatever chances), she would leave some negative and emotional comments about the school and with similar "supporting evidence" from the "selective" "secondary sources" too.   

Even though someone believes that she's doing something "Good" to other parents (In which I doubt as the opinions are biased already, at least in this case),  I believe RESPECT is also very important, especially to the students, parents and teachers of the school and even to those BK parents who disagreed with her too.

Petra, don't be upset! Just remind ourselves to be rational and thankful parents! I'm sure kids learn from us :) CHeerS!

原帖由 LittleKiwi 於 10-9-3 15:44 發表
其實聽落都會諗到, 那位讀國際學校既小朋友唔識講英文, 除左一日返幾個鐘頭學之外, 其實佢屋企人會唔會同佢講英文呢? 屋企有冇外國人呢? 或者最少都有賓賓or daddy 媽咪會同佢講英文? 定係某類天真既家長, 打算掟個 ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-9-7 10:24 編輯 ]

發表於 10-9-8 11:27 |顯示全部帖子
My child has been studying in THINK for 2 years (This year is the 3rd year) and I think as parents, we interact with more than 5 other parents, teachers, janitors and students for more than 2 days. Plus we see the learning progress of our kids every day .....

I think the main point that CMB wants to say is, even if something goes wrong, she will not blame the school / complain here as there are many factors leading to the end results.

Those weaknesses that we come across are not "負面消息", not as serious as you thought. For me, just no school is perfect  and like other schools, THINK is strong in some areas but weaker in others. But the "weaknesses" are definately not "負面消息" and we're not "害"人地個小朋友 .....


[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-9-8 11:36 編輯 ]

發表於 10-9-8 15:50 |顯示全部帖子
I can't deny that you're a very hard-working mother but as I said before, attitudes and wordings are very important in BK discussions.....

Even though u know "a lot" (?!) about the school from your so-called friend / "interviewees", you tend to exaggerate some "incidents" (don't even know if they are real) and at the same time adding your biased opinions towards them.

The worse is, you keep using the same limited and biased (if not twisted as you always did) "incidents"  to show that the school is bad and you presented them as if they are true facts .....

It's very good that you have decided not to join in any discussion about this school anymore

原帖由 9284 於 10-9-8 11:55 發表
算啦, 點都好, 我都唔想再在一間連報名我都唔會替我的小朋友報的kg 的 topic 身上, 總之, 我講過咁多間學校好, 亦都講過唔少學校唔好, 我可以話, 我search過咁多間kg, 不下20間, think係我知道得最多的學校 (之前同 ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-9-10 15:16 編輯 ]

發表於 10-9-13 04:56 |顯示全部帖子
No worry wor ..... yours is a very rational reponse :)  We're not that unreasonable

In fact, I think observing students and talk to parents after school can help us to have a feel of the school. However, if after one gets information from this method and acts as if one knows a lot about the school plus adding radical judgement to it ...  then it seems not v ok.  

原帖由 pandabonita 於 10-9-12 12:47 發表

o那, 我都係repeat反朱校長講ge野比大家作參考jar,冇同邊一個有關係,不喜勿插. ...

[ 本帖最後由 twinsstar 於 10-9-13 09:32 編輯 ]
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