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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 drawing competition ( sharing only)
樓主: franshe

drawing competition ( sharing only) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-6 22:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我個細女學左水墨畫一年,最近取得一個全中國的最高獎,很安慰!

全世界既比賽都要比錢拉. 除非有資助同贊助拉. 人家辦個比賽給你們參加都要成本拉. 場地, 獎杯. 評判等等.... 唔係一定要用錢既比賽就係等如買證書. 呢個我覺個全錯. 我仔仔都參加過美術比賽. 但都落選. 一個都無.
BoBoCute 寫道:
我個女個drawing teacher called me this morning saying that my daughter also won a prize 優異獎and asked me to get the cert from 文化中心,而且D得獎作品會係20,21号文化中心展出。 This competition is free of charge, i.e. no application fee and after getting the prize, i don't need to buy any booklets.
Apart from this competition, the teacher told me that there are some other competitions that almost every participants will get a prize.  The prize winners would then have to pay say several hundred dollars to buy a booklet with all the prize winning drawings.  I did not participate in these competitions because I don't want to buy a cert for my daughter.  Of course the drawing teacher didn't recommend me to 'buy' a cert like this.
If you pay nothing and get a prize, I think the prize really mean something.  But if one has to pay $ for entering the competition, then it is one way for the organizers to make money.
The prize winning drawing of my daughter was not really great too, but maybe at the time she entered the competition, she was only four and get some 同情分。
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