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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 塵日君並非主教而是教主!
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塵日君並非主教而是教主! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-12-27 13:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 塵日君並非主教而是教主!

lochan 寫道:

I fully support what HKPD did during the WTO period. Keep up with your good work!

I would like to say a few words on "塵日君" but not on cathoilic religion. I need to say a few words this time since I see something that I am not comfortable to a point I must say it out. Time and time again he has crossed the border and makes a lot of political statements that a person of his position should refrain from openly criticise the Gov't. I don't know if his words towards the Gov't are well thought of. If yes, he definitely has his own agenda. If not, he is being impulsive and immature! He is just not the appropriate  person to speak about democracy, just when is catholism a democratic religion ? Most religions that I came across are seldom democratic in terms of electing their spiritual leaders which is fine.

No only once he criticises the Gov't, even worse is that his words are premature, cruel, impolite, biased and arrogant.

I would urge Bishop Chan to think thrice before making bold statements in public and do not abuse the power of God delegated to him.





現代的天主教,對世界有不少的貢獻,但頑愚起來,非常得人驚,宗教的熱誠加上真理在我手 (權力沒有被制衡下極容易出現的現象) ,對俗世事務要干遇起來,會有極大偏差。




Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-12-28 23:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 塵日君並非主教而是教主!

G-Ma 寫道:
最可悲係有好多教徒仍然好麻木咁追隨佢, 仍然覺得佢係為自由而戰.   :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-12-31 17:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 塵日君並非主教而是教主!

lochan 寫道:
What you had written is based on your personal assumption and imagination with no solid basis and proof and should be disregarded.

But your use of foul words makes me suspect that you are another follower of Bishop Chan's new religion - Blasphemy.

fannycheungmc 寫道:
One day, the police that you said you supported very much will be the same police that will be used to beat you up when you protest against the gvernment. You will be sorry and you will think Bishop Chan has a point when he said the police was a shame to this city. remember the 4 June 1989 massacre, the pla, killed the people who used to support them. STORY TO LEARN, you stupid guys.           


看見fannycheungmc 這樣的邏輯,這樣的措詞,就可以知道寫這篇廢話的人的水平到那裡,除了遣責外,根本不值一駁。

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-12-31 23:16 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 塵日君並非主教而是教主!

fannycheungmc 寫道:
to use their guns to kill the koreans so to protect himself. is the life of A police more expensive than a korea's life? what logic ah?
the police paid to do their duty. no sympathy. if they do not do their duty, they will be sacked, that is why they have to do it. if they hurt or killed, the law will punish the offenders. koreas no pay, poor farmers only, yes sympathy on them, if killed or harm, no compensation.

I am surprise that you know the word "logic".  But surely you don't understand what is logic.

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