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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 塵日君並非主教而是教主!
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塵日君並非主教而是教主! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-12-26 16:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 塵日君並非主教而是教主!

Hong Kong is a very good, wonderful place where everybody has freedom of expression. But when we express ourselves, we have to consider if our words will harm others.  There is no difference between harmful words and poisonous, roughshod snake.  

Bishop CHAN is an educated gentleman, and a religious leader who should know his words have a tremendous impact to others.  

I am a father and a policeman, and my daughter is a catholic. I am proud to be a policeman in which I can contribute myself to the society. My daughter is also proud of my job. During the HKMC, she worried about my safety. When she saw fierce protests in the TV, she was crying.

After the event, her heart was broken again ,  when she heard that her father was criticized as ‘Shame of Hong Kong’. Even a criminal / law broker is never be criticized as ‘SHAME’, but her lovely father was named as ‘Shame of Hong Kong’ by her respectful Bishop. We all can imagine how sad she is. We can understand how these words harm our family. I don't know how to tell her.  

Rank: 1

發表於 05-12-26 16:49 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 塵日君並非主教而是教主!

Hong Kong is a very good, wonderful place where everybody has freedom of expression. But when we express ourselves, we have to consider if our words will harm others.  There is no difference between harmful words and poisonous, roughshod snake.  

Bishop CHAN is an educated gentleman, and a religious leader who should know his words have a tremendous impact to others.  

I am a father and a policeman, and my daughter is a catholic. I am proud to be a policeman in which I can contribute myself to the society. My daughter is also proud of my job. During the HKMC, she worried about my safety. When she saw fierce protests in the TV, she was crying.

After the event, her heart was broken again ,  when she heard that her father was criticized as ‘Shame of Hong Kong’. Even a criminal / law broker is never be criticized as ‘SHAME’, but her lovely father was named as ‘Shame of Hong Kong’ by her respectful Bishop. We all can imagine how sad she is. We can understand how these words harm our family. I don't know how to tell her.  

workingmom 寫道:
He is just expressing his opinion!
慈禧垂簾聽政 was directly instructing the dictator what to do which is totally different from what Bishop Chan is doing.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-1-2 18:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 塵日君並非主教而是教主!

I do not think so.
I believe you only get a small picutre on the whole incident.
Hong Kong is a place for freedom of speech but not a place for fabrication.
Your words insults not only  yourself but also Hong Kong People.
If your friend (so called police) witnesses that police had beaten the protestors in Police station, I as well as every citizen in Hong Kong wellcome him/her to contact Complaint Against Police Office.

We hate STORY.
fannycheungmc 寫道:
Tramy:  SHAME on the Police, I agree totally.

My family cried several days when we saw the farmers beat by the police and the police like wild dogs, more than 20, chasing after a hurt farmer, like a timid rabbit. Also, the police used pepper shot at the farmers eyes, brutally. I agree SHAME on the police. No need to do such brutal things. Can use other methods less brutal ah!!!
My police friends said the news about police beat the farmers arrested in the police station is real. Shame on the police. Shame on the police.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-1-3 20:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 塵日君並非主教而是教主!



nanalam2006 寫道:









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