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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 IB provisional result 2012
樓主: Radiomama

IB provisional result 2012   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-13 17:50 |顯示全部帖子
Given that quite a few top students in this first cohort of ISF left ISF for CIS and ESF after grade 10 (common phenomenon for a completely new school with no record), the ISF results indeed exceed my expectation.  With 4 of the 23 students achieving 40+, 80% of the students getting a bilingual diploma, and a mean score of 5.91 for both English A and Chinese A, it seems that the school's double language programme is working.  Let's see how ISF will fare further down the road.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-13 23:05 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:IB provisional result 2012

I'm not saying that exam result is not important (of course it is), but there are not many schools that offer a truly bilingual immersion programme and at the  same time offers a curriculum that is so diverse. In fact, I cannot think of another school that spends two months on the cultural revolution and be so critical of the modern history of China, and at the same time teaches Homer and 詩經 with so much enthusiasm.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-13 23:09 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:IB provisional result 2012

But he way, speaking only for myself, I want my son to be an IB35 Renaissance man than an IB45.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-13 23:36 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:IB provisional result 2012

At the risk of sounding like an ISF apologist, I shall add that ISF does truly embrace diversity. Students who love design and dream to be the next Frank Lloyd Wright can make full use of the first class design tech lab and are encouraged to pursue their dreams; drama lovers can hide themselves in the black box theatre learning everything about sound and lighting. Embracing diversity, accepting difference, seeing not just one but many different ways to success, and being open to the meaning of success, isn't it exactly the purpose of education? In any event, I am confident that in three or four years' time when the first batch of students who have the full benefit of ISF education leave the school, they will wow the world and silence those who doubt the bilingual immersion programme.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-13 23:49 |顯示全部帖子

引用:回復+tingtingting+的帖子 Dear+Tingtingt

原帖由 liyinfai 於 12-07-13 發表
回復 tingtingting 的帖子

Dear Tingtingting,
Dear liyinfai, I don't have any figures. As for the turnover rate, as you can imagine, the best students who can easily get into CIS and Sevenoaks have chosen to leave instead of taking a risk with a new school. Quite a number of parents I know take a wait and see attitude. "Why not? If things do not turn out fine, we can always leave. But, for the time being let the kid learn more Chinese and find out more about real Chinese culture", that's kind of the attitude shared by some parents (myself included to a certain extent). I expect the turnover rate to drop as the school becomes more established.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-17 23:15 |顯示全部帖子

回覆:IB provisional result 2012

Some people get it wrong.  The MYP is designed to produce all rounded and open-minded students with a passionate character. It has nothing to do with exam result.


hhy2007  Very true.  My daughter enjoyed the challenges of MYP very much.  發表於 12-7-18 10:32

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-7-18 13:09 |顯示全部帖子
annie40 發表於 12-7-18 11:06
回復 bobbycheung 的帖子

真的非常欣赏GSIS在处理学习成绩的态度.  孩子学业上的成功, 因素很多, 付出努力的还有校长, 老师,同学, 父母,祖父母, 朋友仔, 我们大大嘉许孩子的时候,怎么忘记了自己. 要嘉许自己,也有点难为情吧!  我相信凡事平常心, 孩子走的路必然更高更远!

快到LS放榜了, 不少孩子付出的努力很多, 甚至于更多, 並品行端正, 结果依然让人失望. 若果我们身边有这些孩子, 可以想想如何帮他们渡过难关.  或者可以学GSIS般低调, 少言, 对好成绩的孩子不当一会事, 已是送给成绩失落的孩子的默默支持.
Very well said.
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