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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 「普藝盃」2009 全港朗誦才藝大賽
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「普藝盃」2009 全港朗誦才藝大賽 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-28 15:29 |顯示全部帖子
i join too and almost same case with you...my daughter also have good performance on that day, even the whole classroom people have great claping their hand when finished (including the juryman also big clap hand)...but finally only the 優異獎 and when announce the winner....nobody have reaction...(of course except their parents)

The point is not my daughter can win or not, speech contest is "objective game", but the Juryman also have good rating at his immediate reaction...but after 10 mins "culculation" then seems suddenly changing, honest...a bit disappointed but we can's proven any. (beacuse the game rule is seperate room conducting, we can see all the group students performance)

Just wonder what happen inside and what's their standard, and call the organization can i "see" the other competitor's performance (as before we can order the DVD for event) then we can learn more and improve on next time. But they say that the DVD only show your son/ daughter's inside, you can't see any others?

Why? they didn't allow us to make record and claimed that they'll provide this services, then we belive and suppose the organization is reliable. iiiiiiiiii, nothing can say.

Just my experience sharing and pls. no need to "against" if i am say any wrong.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-29 23:28 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 3# cottontail 的文章

"你話冇造馬就假架, 下次尼間野既比賽都都唔好攪我, 哂我錢同時間, 輸唔緊要, 出緊要比賽係公平, 輸得心服。" totally agree,  and i never enroll this organization. Waste my time and money...
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