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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 第三屆全港學生公開朗誦比賽一問
樓主: hyto

第三屆全港學生公開朗誦比賽一問 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-24 15:37 |顯示全部帖子
100% agree and i also have similar experience
this year my kids already 3rd year enroll the different contest....at the market...too much "too commerical oganization".  Adviese all parents select the "relatively good and representative" organization" to let our kids' enroll

BTW, i saw another topic at 課外活動 forum which is "6月的尖子兒童普通話大賽".  sounds good and look like worth to enroll. Just my personal observation and pass 3 years experience only.

原帖由 Sherryko9 於 10-4-16 17:09 發表
最初囡囡參加公開比賽是"寧濫勿缺",參加過2年就"寧缺勿濫"了!過多的比賽真的令人很累,指大人,因為要慮心慮力 .唔駛太心急找比賽給小朋友,上到小學也未遲,我亦明白大家身為媽咪見到其他媽咪都係 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-24 16:01 |顯示全部帖子
做善事--ok la and agree "其實報名費貴都唔係太大問題"

and for me most important is " 最緊要搞得公平公正"

but u think about if only one評判...even not 做馬 but will more  主觀....that's not fair...i try 第十屆學界普通話傳藝比賽(2010) which is already good - have 2  評判.
why i say "6月的尖子兒童普通話大賽" is ok, base on it have 3評判 so i feel more fair so i will consider join it.

"Loss" is not a problem but need "fair " because each kids will make their own effort for training...and have great brave to
stand on the stage...if not fair then meaningless, the kids will not happy...and i will afraid confuse their own value -

MOST IMPORTANT i would like to deliver the message to the kids - their contribution and performamce to be refected by the reult and NOT base on your mom & dad how well know & how power...

if only 1評判 and the result no fair....i don't know to explain to kids....
told the kids the world is not fair?
told the kids you're ok if your parents have power? no way
or say "you win because your mom spend a $3xxx to let you join the ogazination's training course ma?"

Finally, spend a lot and time and money to win a much of trophy...but will loss the correct concept to kids...not worth

原帖由 bobo 於 10-5-24 15:42 發表

尖子果個比賽好似只限幼稚園咋, 同埋佢報名費都要 180蚊喎, 不過好似係做善事o既, 其實報名費貴都唔係太大問題, 最緊要搞得公平公正, 同埋安排唔好咁亂囉, 去到比賽好似走難咁要兩頭問來問去先知佢做緊咩, 咁就唔 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-24 23:15 |顯示全部帖子
100% agree

原帖由 bobo 於 10-5-24 16:31 發表

但現今好多呢 d 咩咩會搞o既比賽, 報名費都唔平, 但發覺好多 果 d 咩"中心" 都有推介比家長報名, 佢地都係報讀左 d course o既, 其實報果 d course 都唔係問題, 都係想個小朋友多元發展遮, 不過有時我諗, 呢 d 會, ...
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