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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 (急)香港華仁 vs 救恩,應該怎取捨
樓主: ykha

(急)香港華仁 vs 救恩,應該怎取捨 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-25 08:36 |顯示全部帖子
I am a Wah Yan mum, my wahyanite is enjoying his school very much. The school though is consider to be a traditional school, uses a lot of encouragement methods to help the children to grow and work hard.

The school treat us parents as part of the school, we are free to visit our children and attend their assemblies, you can feel that you are growing hand in hand with your children.

The father, headmaster and teachers are all very caring to the children. The old father ( I think more than 70 years old) even come down to play football with the children during recess time.

Of course you can't compare the campus with a Y2k campus, but it is small and cosy, the children can't tell the difference, they enjoy and make good use of every space in the school.
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