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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 奇聞一則- 教統局:智優不代表資優
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奇聞一則- 教統局:智優不代表資優 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-4-18 15:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 奇聞一則- 教統局:智優不代表資優

It's the same as ancient Chinese saying " stealing the bell with ears covered ". From the psychological point of view, when one has no idea of how to handle a matter , he / she pretends that it doesn't exist .

So by fooling us around about the definition of 'giftedness', they could be excused of doing corresponding policy and actions to handle and develop these children .

Their hands are tied for the parents of those 'gifted' children , if they don't have enough resources to help develop their kids well . So we have a wonder kid ' Fai' who can do maths very fast and accurate , now what I heard of his development and career path is so so ...

What a shame and waste of natural talents !! For every decade of lagging mindset of these so called 'senior officials' in EMB , we would lag behind at least 2 decades and think about the chaining effects ( students nowadays would be teachers tomorrow , and generations after generations in endless cause - effect cycles ) . When will they wake up from coma and look around what's going on about the global gentle revolution of education system ? When will someone who has got the guts to voice out the stupidity of existing system and can provide us a pioneering view of changing direction ? Who can then lead us through all this darkness ?

As I said before , economic downturn that we're suffering is temporary as economy has cycles ; but an eroded education system can harm us for generations !!!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-10 23:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 奇聞一則- 教統局:智優不代表資優


Obviously your kid is extremely right brain dominant , with proper right brain education training your kid can overcome this problem .

How old is your kid ?

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