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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定 ...
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再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-4-18 20:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

yes... I love to read Ruby's sharing

Ruby1219 寫道:

I feel so sad for you. Your situation is really 'sticky', cos' the consensus between parents is very important for child's education.

When my son was applying for K.1, my husband also disagreed with me to put him into IS (although not as strong as your husband I think). But after I discussed with him the pros and cons, and brought him to visit the international school. He changed his mind.

From the visit (an int'l kindergarten), he saw the lively learning environment and the happy kids. Which really moved him.

Also, I asked him a fundamental question : What's your most important criteria for your kid's education ? We both agree that we want our son to be happy at learning. That's the most important. So, the conclusion of choosing IS is so natural and logical.

Also, I said we have to trade off our family time and even relationship if we choose local school for my son. From my sister's case, we can see that they spend almost all weekends and holidays on homework, dictations, tests, exams, etc. And they have fights when the pressure comes !

Now, my son is in P.2. He's been spending his last 4-5 years in international schools and our whole family is happy and proud for making the right choice.

Hope this would help.


旻旻&思思 寫道:

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-5-27 15:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 再有人打擊我為女兒選讀國際學校的決定

I always agree with Ruby1219.     

Ruby1219 寫道:

Hey I totally agree with you.
I also think the best gift I can give my son is good and happy education and I plan NOT to give him a flat or a big bulk of money (at least I think so now, and also becos' I probably can't afford it. haha). I do believe that once he's well educated, with positive and 'correct' life attitude, he would be able to earn a good living by himself. Sometimes, kids will just abuse what their parents can give them and they tend to become lazy (kind of human instinct).

My parents did not give me anyways when I was young. Not even subsidizing or helping my education. I had to earn my school fee since F. 6. But I did learn a lot from this experience. At least I know that I myself, am responsible for my own life. I believe that once I'm grown up, my parents responsibility on me has finished.
I hope my kid will understand this as well.

Ruby1219 寫道:
You sound racist and discriminative to the other IS.
I think most IS parents are looking for happy learning environment for their kids rather than the 'materialistic' reason of making connections with rich people and foreigners.

Sorry I can't agree with you.

Ruby [quote]
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