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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 請比意見: 如果目標是港島區私小/直資,讀Victoria還是 ...
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請比意見: 如果目標是港島區私小/直資,讀Victoria還是靈糧堂好D, 咁Kentville和 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-11-25 13:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請比意見: 如果目標是港島區私小/直資,讀Victoria還是靈糧堂好D, 咁Kentville和St. Ca

蘿記 寫道:

Dear parents

My son has offers from Victoria (Causeway Bay), LLC and Kentville
all are morning classes
It is very likely that St. Catherine will also accept him as he did best in that interview

Could you please advise me
As between these 4 kindergartens
which of them will have a better advantage if we are going to target the primary school on the Island side

The location of these kinder is not a problem
They are all not very far away from our home
Kentville and LLC will be cheaper
But money will not be our prime concern

Please kindly give me some advice
I am sorry that I can’t write in Chinese because my pen power has some problem after I write out the caption

本人覺得若果你都係有競爭心(當然小朋友要配合得到),同埋你對小朋友係有要求ge話(要入出名ge名校),我估你就要揀St. Cat. 同埋 Kent~~~~
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