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你地心目的至TOP既國際小學系邊間? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-31 08:15 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 happy_mum 於 07-12-30 21:07 發表
Sorry to say that i also notice there is a lot of esf parents on this web-site.

Why sorry? ESF parents providing help and discussion is bad??  Don't you notice that actually most topics are questions raised by non-ESF parents?  How about many parents discussing those top famous local schools like DBS, LS, DGS, MCS etc. on BK?  Does it mean that these popular schools are bad??  

It takes a long time for any school to build up good track records and reputation, rational parents will understand a school through a lot of research using hard and soft data and personal visits.   There are always students performing very well to very bad in any school,  rational parents usually look at the average performance, % of good and bad results, and most importantly, your own way of educating kids.  e.g. HKIS has good results and reputation, it also has drug problems.  There is no point to rank schools of different countries using different cirriculum and educational systems based on someone's subjective comments, personal bias or hatred towards certain schools.

Parents of IS know that most IS help students to learn based on assessments of their own abilities, there is no rankings or comparisons with others.   IS schools use a lot of ways to encourage positive learning rather than use punishment.   The mentality is totally different from studying in local schools.  The ranking game is just a way to initiate unnecessary fights among different schools, just like in the local school session, most topics are comparing A school vs B school, and we will see people voting and attacking others endlessly!!  Very entertaining? Ha!

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-12-31 08:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-31 12:30 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Cayenne 於 07-12-31 11:51 發表

Not trying to add fuel to any flame wars , but it is regrettable that  HKIS's  frank  approach to eradicate drug abuse makes it,   in the eyes of the uninitiated ,  not as an example of  pr ...


Understand your point.  HKIS is positive in preventing drug problem.  Yes, it is also one of the problems in other schools too, local or IS,  also see it in schools overseas.  Maybe the young generation nowadays in advanced countries are living too well!

Anyway, just feel that it is so naive to choose schools by ranking, especially IS are all different in their systems cater for different countries.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-1-1 19:38 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 happy_mum 於 08-1-1 16:52 發表

I am not here to take side of anyone. However, if you quoted my reply and asking me question, let me just simply give you a reply.

1. "Sorry to say" is just an opening phase of an sentance. O ...

If you read my messages in the past few years, you will know that I am always open to other's opinion and have shared a lot in the past, I have also responded to your recent query on DC.  I am sorry to say that your "opening phase" is an expression of taking side for that "famous" person who has no experience with IS but keeps on attacking ESF without grounds.

There have been various discussions on different IS previously, many parents of other IS have given comments, you can search for them as you like.  Actually, I think as many IS have been very well-established and well-known, people won't be very keen to discuss a lot.  RC is very new, so there are more queries and discussion on it.
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