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學琴之後... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-4 23:12 |顯示全部帖子
Many parents are like you. typically, I recommend:

1) Rent piano hourly from local piano retail store. If you find it TOO mah fan, then...

2) You can buy a 2nd hand piano from a reliable dealer. Costs significantly lower, and if you resell it you won't be losing so much.

3) Buy a Roland digital piano, they are alright for beginners until Grade 2 ? (You have to buy the models that are weighted like the acoustic piano) I used to be quite against this, but now they are really well made. I allow it for new students until they are sure about buying a more expensive acoustic piano. Roland models that are good start at $ 15000 brand new.

4) Rent pianos to your home- but these are not going to be good condition or nice pianos. And if you calculate the costs, after 1-2 years of renting, you might as well have bought a 2nd hand piano.

Hope this helps.

原帖由 kmliu0107 於 08-11-4 22:54 發表
剛剛比仔仔學琴, 想問吓買咩琴比佢練琴好呢? 又驚買咗個琴之後佢話唔想學...有無人可以比d意見我呢?
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